Arcana Heart 3

Arcana Heart 3

Arcana Heart 3

A plucky cast of female fighters duke it out on a battlefield with the help of their "Arcana" spirit (who adds to the character's attacks and defense) in this third entry in the all-girls fighting franchise. Arcana Heart 3 combines fast-paced aerial action with a unique cast for an extraordinary fighting experience!


Arcana Heart 3

A plucky cast of female fighters duke it out on a battlefield with the help of their "Arcana" spirit (who adds to the character's attacks and defense) in this third entry in the all-girls fighting franchise. Arcana Heart 3 combines fast-paced aerial action with a unique cast for an extraordinary fighting experience!

Examu, Aksys Games
Action > Fighting > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Character Endings CG

Once you've beaten Story Mode, you'll be presented with some brief dialogue and some artwork depicting the ending for your character. This artwork will then be unlocked in the Gallery.

How to Unlock
Akane Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Akane.
Angelia Ending CG #1
Beat Story Mode with Angelia.
Angelia Ending CG #2
Beat Story Mode with Angelia.
Catherine Ending CG #1
Beat Story Mode with Catherine.
Catherine Ending CG #2
Beat Story Mode with Catherine.
Clarice Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Clarice.
Dorothy Ending CG #1
Beat Story Mode with Dorothy.
Dorothy Ending CG #2
Beat Story Mode with Dorothy.
Dorothy Ending CG #3
Beat Story Mode with Dorothy.
Dorothy Ending CG #4
Beat Story Mode with Dorothy.
Eko Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Eko.
Elsa Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Elsa.
Fiona Ending CG #1
Beat Story Mode with Fiona.
Fiona Ending CG #2
Beat Story Mode with Fiona.
Fiona Ending CG #3
Beat Story Mode with Fiona.
Heart Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Heart.
Kamui Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Kamui.
Kira Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Kira.
Konoha Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Konoha.
Lieselotte Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Liselotte.
Lilica Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Lilica.
Maori Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Maori.
Mei-Fang Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Mei-Fang.
Mildred Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Mildred.
Nazuna Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Nazuna.
Petra Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Petra.
Saki Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Saki.
Scharlachrot Ending CG #1
Beat Story Mode with Scharlachrot.
Scharlachrot Ending CG #2
Beat Story Mode with Scharlachrot.
Scharlachrot Ending CG #3
Beat Story Mode with Scharlachrot.
Weiss Ending CG #1
Beat Story Mode with Weiss.
Weiss Ending CG #2
Beat Story Mode with Weiss.
Yoriko Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Yoriko.
Zenia Ending CG
Beat Story Mode with Zenia.


Successfully complete Story mode to view the Arcade and Console version of the credits at the "Gallery" menu.


Select the indicated character in any mode to unlock the corresponding illustration at the "Gallery" menu.

Akane Illustrations: Akane.
Angelia Illustrations: Angelia.
Arcana of Blossoms Kayatsuhime Illustrations: Kayasuhime.
Arcana of Darkness Gier Illustrations: Gier.
Arcana of Earth Ohtsuchi Illustrations: Ohtsuchi.
Arcana of Evil Dieu Mort Illustrations: Dieu Mort.
Arcana of Fire Lang-Gong Illustrations: Lang-Gong.
Arcana of Ice Almacia Illustrations: Almacia.
Arcana of Light Mildred Illustrations: Mildred.
Arcana of Lightning Bhanri Illustrations: Bhanri.
Arcana of Love Partinias Illustrations: Partinias.
Arcana of Luck Saligrama Illustrations: Saligrama.
Arcana of Magnetism Median Illustrations: Median.
Arcana of Metal Oreichalkos Illustrations: Oreichalkos.
Arcana of Mirrors Heliogabalus Illustrations: Heliogabalus.
Arcana of Nature Moriomoto Illustrations: Moriomoto.
Arcana of Punishment Koshmar Illustrations: Koshmar.
Arcana of Sin Sorwat Illustrations: Sorwat.
Arcana of Sounf Phenex Illustrations: Phenex.
Arcana of the Holy Zilrael Illustrations: Zilrael.
Arcana of Time Anutpada Illustrations: Anutpada.
Arcana of Water Niptra Illustrations: Niptra.
Arcana of Wind Tempestas Illustrations: Tempestas.
Catherine Illustrations: Catherine.
Clarice Illustrations: Clarice.
Dorothy Illustrations: Dorothy.
Eko Illustrations: Eko.
Elsa Illustrations: Elsa.
Fiona Illustrations: Fiona.
Heart Illustrations: Heart.
Kamui Illustrations: Kamui.
Kira Illustrations: Kira.
Konoha Illustrations: Konoha.
Lieselotte Illustrations: Lieselotte.
Lilica Illustrations: Lilica.
Maori Illustrations: Maori.
Mei-Fang Illustrations: Mei-Fang.
Mildred Illustrations: Mildred.
Nazuna Illustrations: Nazuna.
Petra Illustrations: Petra.
Saki Illustrations: Saki.
Scharlachrot Illustrations #1: Scharlachrot.
Scharlachrot Illustrations #2: Scharlachrot.
Spirit of Fenrir Baldur Illustrations: Fenrir Baldur.
Spirit of Tyr Gottfried Illustrations: Tyr Gottfried.
Weiss Illustrations: Weiss.
Yoriko Illustrations: Yoriko.
Zenia Illustrations: Zenia.

Link animations

Successfully complete Story mode with a character to unlock their link animation at the "Gallery" menu. Note: Ragnarok's link animation is unlocked when Story mode is completed with any character.


Unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards, by completing the following tasks.

How to unlock



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