Alien Breed 3: Descent

Alien Breed 3: Descent

Alien Breed 3: Descent

With the Leopold and its unwanted attachment breaching the surface of an imposing ice planet, you have only a few hours to wade your way through flooded corridors and locate the origin of the threat that has so far laid waste to your once proud space ship. For the first time Conrad can venture outside of the ship in the breathtaking hull walk set pieces, and for those trigger-happy shooter fans there are vicious new enemies to fight, including the Electro-Shocker alien and the awe-inspiring final bosses. New armaments are also available in Descent, with the Electro-Link gun allowing for...


Alien Breed 3: Descent

With the Leopold and its unwanted attachment breaching the surface of an imposing ice planet, you have only a few hours to wade your way through flooded corridors and locate the origin of the threat that has so far laid waste to your once proud space ship. For the first time Conrad can venture outside of the ship in the breathtaking hull walk set pieces, and for those trigger-happy shooter fans there are vicious new enemies to fight, including the Electro-Shocker alien and the awe-inspiring final bosses. New armaments are also available in Descent, with the Electro-Link gun allowing for...

Team 17
Team 17
Action > Shooter > Third-Person > Arcade
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy "Tank" achievement or trophy

Save as many health kits as possible from the previous mission before starting the third single player mission. Also try to have the Medi Stimulant upgrade. Once the third mission begins, enter to the room next to you. Stand in the fire until you are almost dead, then step out and heal yourself. Repeat the process until you have taken 500 damage to earn the achievement. Note: Check the map if you need additional health kits. Find the nearby Intex Terminal to purchase more of them.

Easy "Time to Party" achievement or trophy

Complete the first three levels in the single player campaign.

Secret Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

How to unlock


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

How to unlock


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.

Seasoned Squaddie (Bronze): Complete any multiplayer level.
Bigger is Better (Bronze): Purchase any weapon upgrade.
Version 2.0 (Bronze): Purchase an item upgrade.
At Your Mercy (Bronze): Kill a stunned alien with a Frag Grenade.
The Initiated (Bronze): Complete the prologue on any difficulty level.
Bigger Isn't Always Better? (Bronze): Kill a sentry gun with the Blaster.
Networking (Bronze): Complete any co-op assault map over PlayStation Network.
Exploding Fist (Bronze): Kill 3 burster aliens with one melee attack.
Into the Kill Zone (Bronze): Kill 20 aliens with one sentry gun.
Recon Unit (Bronze): Complete any single player level with the waypoints turned off.
K.I.A. (Bronze): Locate the bodies of Vance and Barnes.
Battle-hardened (Silver): Complete all single player levels 1-5.
Immobilised (Silver): Use a stun grenade to stun 10 aliens at the same time.
Frag-master (Silver): Use a Frag Grenade to kill 10 aliens at the same time.
The Informed (Silver): Collect all logs through out the game.
Survivor (Silver): Stay alive for 8 minutes or better on any of the Survivor mode single player levels.
Meat Grinder (Silver): Kill 250 aliens on any of the Survivor mode multi player levels.
Hidden Treasure (Silver): Find all 'secret' collectibles.
Tank (Silver): Take 200 damage without dying on 'Determination' single player mission.
Survivors (Silver): Achieve a time of 8 minutes or better on any multiplayer survivor map.
Light 'em up! (Silver): Kill 5 aliens with one shot of Project X.
Elite Unit (Gold): Complete all single player levels 1-5 on elite difficulty.
More Speed, Less Haste (Gold): Complete 'Vengeance' single player level on Veteran mode in 17 minutes or less.
Can't Get Enough (Gold): Complete the prologue, all single player, co-op assault and survivor maps.
Hardcore (Gold): Complete any single player level using only the Blaster and Grenades.
The Completionist (Platinum): Each and every trophy has been awarded. Congratulations!

Additionally there are nine secret trophies.

Hard Up? (Bronze): Sell any item.
Sunny Side Up? (Bronze): Kill an alien egg using the melee attack.
Shattered (Bronze): Smash 10 windows.
Grave Robber (Bronze): Collect 50 items or weapons from human corpses.
Lost? (Bronze): Access the map screen.
Exterminator (Silver): Kill 1000 aliens in single player.
Idle Sentries (Silver): Finish any level with five Sentry guns in your inventory.
Systems Crash (Silver): Kill Mia.
Regicide (Silver): Destroy the alien queen.


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