Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns takes place 10 years after the conclusion of the original game, with Alice struggling to recover from the emotional trauma of losing her entire family in a fatal fire. After spending a decade institutionalized in an insane asylum, she is finally released to the care of a psychiatrist who just may be able to help her conquer the nightmarish hallucinations that still haunt her. Alice embarks on a mission to root out the true cause of her family's mysterious death, jumping from a gloomy and stark London to a rich and provocative Wonderland.


Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns takes place 10 years after the conclusion of the original game, with Alice struggling to recover from the emotional trauma of losing her entire family in a fatal fire. After spending a decade institutionalized in an insane asylum, she is finally released to the care of a psychiatrist who just may be able to help her conquer the nightmarish hallucinations that still haunt her. Alice embarks on a mission to root out the true cause of her family's mysterious death, jumping from a gloomy and stark London to a rich and provocative Wonderland.

Spicy Horse, Electronic Arts
Spicy Horse
Action Adventure > Survival
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

American McGee's Alice DLC: Trophies

Unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards, by completing the following tasks.

How to unlock

Bonus dresses

Successfully complete the indicated chapter to unlock the corresponding dress.

How to unlock

Chapter 2: Unbreakable ice patch

When in the area on the way to the mockturtle there is a Hobby Horse ice patch that appears to be unbreakable. You cannot break it from the "top". Go back outside before going to the Bottled Ship. Notice that there is a small pond of water that goes into the ice on the cliff at the bottom (where a spring mushroom is located). Use your Shrink Sense to find an invisible platform that will begin moving into the ice and allows access to a secret area. To exit the area use the other spring mushroom to catapult yourself through the unbreakable hobby horse ice patch.

Chapter 3: Getting past the cave

After entering the cave, you will go down some steps. There will be a platform to the left with two vases. Walk up to the painting on the left side and interact with it. This will take you into the next area of the chapter.

Chapter 4: Entrance to Red Queen's area

Run over to the switch that triggers the platform and leave a Clockwork Bunny there. Then, sprint to the other switch and get the door open. Note: Trigger it before the real attempt to avoid the intermission sequence using up time. Next, sprint to the middle area to the invisible platforms. Shrink momentarily to see where to go. From here, jump off the platform as soon as possible to the invisible beam above it. Next, sprint to the door. Note: You may need to shrink under it to get in.

Chapter 4: Pig Snouts

At some point you will be able to hear Pig Snouts but not see them. You must use your Shrink Vision to be able to find them.

Chapter 5: Defeating Colossal Ruin

Get on the opposite platform from the Ruin. This is to have a gap between the two platforms separating you and the Ruin. The Ruin will not try to cross the bridge. The gap will prevent it from charging you. Fire the Pepper Grinder at the doll heads that stick out of its body. Throw clockwork bombs to distract that Insidious Ruin that appear during the battle. When the Colossal Ruin loses all the doll heads and starts to charge you with its flame attack, abandon the gap and face it normally. Use the Teapot Cannon on the giant doll head that appears and attack him as usual. If you try to knock him down and stun him with the gap between you, an invisible wall will prevent you from hitting.

Defeating Cannon Crabs

  • Drop a Clockwork Bomb near the crab, then detonate it to flip the crab on its back. Use a weapon to damage the crab once or twice. After two or three rounds of doing this, the crab will lose its cannon and can be flipped using either the same method or hit with the ground smash from the Hobby Horse. Repeat the process until it has been defeated.
  • Use the Hobby Horse and keep hitting the crab. Then, use your Vorpal Blade once the crab is knocked onto its back. You can also try using the Tea Cannon against the crab.
  • To kill the Cannon Crab in the mini-game, just drop an exploding barrel on it or shoot a cannonball at a nearby explosive to blow up the crab.
  • Use the umbrella to knock the cannon back at the crab. Then, attack the crab while it is on its back until its arm is ripped off. Then use the Hobby Horse and one more Vorpal Blade attack to kill it.
  • Throw a Bunny Bomb at the Cannon Crab and set it off. This will flip the crab on its back. You can now attack its underside with any weapon. Be careful, as the crab will get back up fairly quickly. Once you have hit it a few times, be ready to dodge or throw another bomb.

Defeating Madcap with shield

  • Notice there is a slight pause before it attacks. Evade the attack, then attack it with your knife.
  • Run up to the Madcap and immediately dodge. This triggers the enemy to attack, and you will have already dodged it. Once his fork is stuck in the ground, run up and hack away.
  • The Hobby Horse works well, as it breaks enemy shields. Use it against the Madcap with the shield, Cannon Crab, and other similar enemies.

Defeating the Card Executioner

When in the queen's castle, after defeating the Card Guards the Card Executioner will appear. After hitting him several times, keep dodging his attack. Eventually Alice will say that she cannot fight him and a door will open. You can find the door at the north end of the room.



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