


In the hundred years spanning the millennium (1935 - 2035), a disparate bunch of heroes and villains battle against their own challenges. Although each is unaware of the others, they all share an ageless common spirit of adventure - but unknown to them, their daring actions have attracted the attention of the TimeSplitters.The TimeSplitters - an evil race dwelling outside of time and space. For eons they have manipulated the fate of humanity for their own malign ends - with cursed shards of crystal they have sown fear, greed and conflict throughout history. Now, roused from an ancient sleep,...



In the hundred years spanning the millennium (1935 - 2035), a disparate bunch of heroes and villains battle against their own challenges. Although each is unaware of the others, they all share an ageless common spirit of adventure - but unknown to them, their daring actions have attracted the attention of the TimeSplitters.The TimeSplitters - an evil race dwelling outside of time and space. For eons they have manipulated the fate of humanity for their own malign ends - with cursed shards of crystal they have sown fear, greed and conflict throughout history. Now, roused from an ancient sleep,...

Free Radical Design, Eidos Interactive
Free Radical Design
Action > Shooter > First-Person > Arcade
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

1950 Village level reward

Successfully complete the 1950 Village level in story mode on the easy difficulty setting to unlock the 1950 Village level in arcade mode; and "Period Horror" as a Bot Set in arcade mode.

Challenge 3B Lobster Run level reward

Successfully complete all challenges to unlock the Challenge 3C Bowl Them Over level and the "All Enemies Are Robofish" cheat.

Extra arcade mode features

Successfully complete the first three levels in story mode on any difficulty setting to unlock the Village, Chemical Plant, and Planet-X levels in arcade mode. Additionally, Dr. Seth Graven, Dr. Katje Nadir, Fingers McKenzie, Ravelle Velvet, Sebastian Photon, and Angel Perez Bots will also be unlocked as playable characters in arcade mode.

Extra characters

Complete the following levels in each difficulty setting in the following time limit to open up extra options:

Easy - 1 minute - Paintball Mode
Norm - 3m 10s - Priestess Character
Hard - 6m - Teeth Mummy Character

Easy - 1m 15s - Chinese Waiter Character
Norm - 3m - Weird Gun Sounds Mode
Hard - 6m - Mr Big Character

Easy - 50s - Siamese Cyborg Character
Norm - 1m 30s - Tuxedo Cyborg Character
Hard - 3m - Enemy Rockets Mode

Easy - 30s - All Heads Detachable Mode
Norm - 1m 30s - Hick Hyde Character
Hard - 4m - Insect Mutant Character

Chemical Plant:
Easy - 30s - Male/Female SWAT Characters
Norm - 1m 10s - Infinte Ammo Mode
Hard - 6m - Malehood Character

Planet X:
Easy - 55s - Green Alien Character
Norm - 1m 30s - Float Alien Character
Hard - 3m - No Heads Mode

Easy - 1m 45s - Big Head Mode
Norm - 5m - ?
Hard - 10m - Girl Zombie Character

Easy - 1m 15s - Male/Female Soldier Charaters
Norm - 1m 30s - Big Hands Mode
Hard - 2m - Shock Trooper Character

Easy - 1m 10s - Red Alien Character
Norm - 1m 20s - Female Alien Character
Hard - 2m - Small Heads Mode

Heist Challenge Glitch

If you do challenge 6-C Heist perfectly on your first try (meaning the opposition scores nothing), you will have an unbeatable record of 0... and never get the Veiled SWAT character on that profile, ever.


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