Time Crisis 2

Time Crisis 2

Time Crisis 2

Agents Keith Martin and Robert Baxter have been sent to find a missing agent. Christy Ryan was last heard from while uncovering a deceptive plan by Neodyne Industries to launch a network of military satellites. The world is in trouble, your fellow agent is in danger, and only you and a friend can stop this threat. Time Crisis 2, the arcade hit, is ready to deliver maximum impact!


Time Crisis 2

Agents Keith Martin and Robert Baxter have been sent to find a missing agent. Christy Ryan was last heard from while uncovering a deceptive plan by Neodyne Industries to launch a network of military satellites. The world is in trouble, your fellow agent is in danger, and only you and a friend can stop this threat. Time Crisis 2, the arcade hit, is ready to deliver maximum impact!

Action > Shooter > Light Gun
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

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