Technic Beat

Technic Beat

Technic Beat

Technic Beat lets you create, alter, and dance onscreen to your own music. First, you must listen to music represented in the game by concentric rings of sound. Once you pick up the beat, you can dance into the middle of the rings to try to "catch" the music. If successful, you'll achieve the power to manipulate the sound rings to create entirely new music. As you progress through each level, you'll be rewarded with new visual displays, power-ups, and bonuses.


Technic Beat

Technic Beat lets you create, alter, and dance onscreen to your own music. First, you must listen to music represented in the game by concentric rings of sound. Once you pick up the beat, you can dance into the middle of the rings to try to "catch" the music. If successful, you'll achieve the power to manipulate the sound rings to create entirely new music. As you progress through each level, you'll be rewarded with new visual displays, power-ups, and bonuses.

Arika, Mastiff
Action > Rhythm > Music
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Technic Beat (PlayStation 2). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Change color to 2P color in Character Select

Press UP or DOWN on the D-pad or Left Stick on the Character Select screen to change color to 2P color (or back to 1P color).

Hard ver. songs

The following songs have unlockable harder versions:

Days Dreamer
TGM in the Bottle
Clip Click
Roteen de Moon

If you play any of these songs in arcade mode, you'll be able to play the harder version of that song as your next stage. After you play the harder version, it will be selectable as a normal song in Free Mode.

Play PacMania (Hard Version) In Arcade Mode

In Arcade mode on Normal difficulty, pass PacMania on your second stage. PacMania Hard Ver. will appear after Galaxian3 on your final stage.

How to Unlock
PacMania Hard Ver.
Pass PacMania on your second stage

Unlock Bonus Mode

Clear Arcade Mode once on any difficulty with any character to unlock Bonus Mode.

Unlock Songs in Free Mode

Clear a song in Arcade Made to unlock that song for play in Free Mode.


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