Ribbit King

Ribbit King

Ribbit King

In Ribbit King, the fate of the planet rests on your ability to get frogs into holes. This is the game of Frolf, and, as Scooter, you must play it across 20 different courses on five different worlds. Power supplies are running out, and to save them, you must win the coveted Super Ribbinite. Choose from 13 odd characters and more than 10 frogs to collect items and points through Frolfing matches. Become the Frolfing Champion in Story mode or Versus mode, which supports up to four players.


Ribbit King

In Ribbit King, the fate of the planet rests on your ability to get frogs into holes. This is the game of Frolf, and, as Scooter, you must play it across 20 different courses on five different worlds. Power supplies are running out, and to save them, you must win the coveted Super Ribbinite. Choose from 13 odd characters and more than 10 frogs to collect items and points through Frolfing matches. Become the Frolfing Champion in Story mode or Versus mode, which supports up to four players.

Infinity, Bandai
Sports > Individual > Golf > Arcade
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Hint: Frogs

Atom: Kosmo's frog. No apparent attributes (he has antennas). Obtained after defeating Kosmo 2.

Binky: Pepe Pappy and Papoo's frog. It is a swimmer. Obtained after defeating Pepe for the third time.

Dipsy: Princess Tippi's frog. It is the best swimmer; will dive under water for bubbles without the scuba tank. Obtained from Princess Tippi 2 after defeating her.

Flippy: Gumbah-Goo's frog. No apparent attributes (capsule frog). Obtained after defeating Gumbah-Goo 2.

Li'l Lunk: Lunk's Frog. impervious to lava. Obtained after defeating Lunk 1.

Pouncer: Pan-Pan's frog. No apparent attributes (likes bamboo leaves). Obtained from Pan-Pan 2.

Scrappy: Never gets dizzy or tired. Obtained after completing the game for the first time (when you get the Frolf Championship Cup).

Sebastian: Pickwick's frog. No apparent attributes (made of wicker). Obtained from the Gumbah-Goo Machine.

Shakey: Sparky & Woosh's frog. Ghost, impervious to lava. Obtained after defeating Sparky & Woosh 1.

Skitter: The frog you start out with. No special attributes.

Slugger: Sluggy's frog. Hates water. Obtained from the Gumbah-Goo Machine.

Wadsworth: Sir Waddlelot's frog. Likes oil and electricity. Obtained after defeating Sir Waddlelot 1.

Hint: Special frogs and items

After you defeat an opponent, sometimes they will give you an egg. If you buy the egg, after a short time it will become a frog. You are not notified of this, but if you keep checking back in Picwick, go to the Frogs section. The frogs you have hatched will be in there. Sometimes your opponents will also offer you items. Note: After defeating Sparky & Woosh 2, they may try to sell you some "Game Hints" book for 100,000. They will never offer it again -- it is recommended you buy it at that time if desired.

Hint: Unlocking clips

Collect 10, 20, or 30 Bottle Caps or complete any other task on the bonus disc.

Score ten Frog In Ones or win 5 or 10 straight matches.


After Pan-Pan frolf against and defeat Lunk to unlock him in versus mode.

Pan-Pan and Black Alien

Defeat Picwick for first time to unlock Pan-Pan and the Black Alien in versus mode.


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