Rygar: The Legendary Adventure

Rygar: The Legendary Adventure

Rygar: The Legendary Adventure

Rygar: The Legendary Adventure tells the tale of a noble warrior determined to save the Princess Harmonia and bring the Island of Argus back to a state of peace. Armed with the Diskarmor, Rygar sets out on a legendary adventure, battling ravenous monsters called Titans and traveling to dark and mysterious worlds. The legendary Diskarmor shield--which is fully upgradeable with fire, ice, and lightning--can be used for attack, defense, or transportation.


Rygar: The Legendary Adventure

Rygar: The Legendary Adventure tells the tale of a noble warrior determined to save the Princess Harmonia and bring the Island of Argus back to a state of peace. Armed with the Diskarmor, Rygar sets out on a legendary adventure, battling ravenous monsters called Titans and traveling to dark and mysterious worlds. The legendary Diskarmor shield--which is fully upgradeable with fire, ice, and lightning--can be used for attack, defense, or transportation.

Action Adventure > General
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Rygar: The Legendary Adventure (PlayStation 2). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete level 30 of Necromondio Cave to unlock Guitararmor mode. Hold R1 on the Tecmo screen until it fades out to activate.

Inherit Stats

Clear the game on any difficulty and as long as clear data is on your card, you may start a new game on any difficulty level with your attack and defence values carried over from your last game. Yes, this also includes Mystic Stones.

Pizza Diskarmer

Complete the game on any difficulty to unlock Pizza Diskarmer. Hold L1 on the Tecmo screen until it fades out to activate.


Finish the Necromondia Cave on Hard to activate Rollarearmor. Your diskarmor is now a Roller! Hold R2 on the Tecmo screen to activate.

Unlock Easy

Die three times to unlock Easy difficulty mode.


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