Ring of Red
A highly classified prototype mech was stolen from the allied forces in southern Japan and it's up to you to get it back! Take control of monstrous mechs and brave soldiers. Immerse yourself in detailed 3D battle sequences with an exciting style of gameplay that mixes in-depth strategy and real-time action as you lead the allies to victory.
A highly classified prototype mech was stolen from the allied forces in southern Japan and it's up to you to get it back! Take control of monstrous mechs and brave soldiers. Immerse yourself in detailed 3D battle sequences with an exciting style of gameplay that mixes in-depth strategy and real-time action as you lead the allies to victory.
Battle hints
One way to make the battle go your way is to take foot soldiers that have skills such as co-op, rapid fire, and chain mines, snipe. Some skills that you can use when they are your crew are shrapnel, incendiary, incendiary shrapnel and WP (white phosphorus). With no soldiers to shoot at you, you will only have to worry about damage from the AFW. Another sure fire way to get the soldiers off of your butt is to use Kinesato's Maximum Attack" Spray Fire". Use this skill when the enemies' soldiers are at the vanguard (front line) and Kinesato will target them all causing LOT'S of damage.
AFW ranges
Each of the 4 AFWs has there own special range to make them the biggest threat in battle, if you can engage the enemy at these distances you are giving yourself a very big step in the right direction. The AFW1 (weizegers) is most effective at medium range. The 4legged AFW (John and Ayomo) are most effective at long range. The AFW2 (ryogo) is most effective at medium range. and The light AfW is most effective at short range. When you start the battle your accuracy rating will be at 55% or better.