RPG Tsukuru 5

RPG Tsukuru 5

RPG Tsukuru 5

Designers Wanted!
No Experience Necessary!
Game Software for Future Developers!

Have you ever dreamed about creating your own game?
Fantastic Creatures, Amazing Visual Effects, and Cinematic Battles await you as you create a fantasy world where dragons and monsters come to life.
RPG Maker II is a complete 3-D design tool that provides novice users and advanced players everything they need to create their own adventures.

* Includes the full Ready-to-Play Fiona!
* In-Game help feature allows you to jump right in and start...


RPG Tsukuru 5

Designers Wanted!
No Experience Necessary!
Game Software for Future Developers!

Have you ever dreamed about creating your own game?
Fantastic Creatures, Amazing Visual Effects, and Cinematic Battles await you as you create a fantasy world where dragons and monsters come to life.
RPG Maker II is a complete 3-D design tool that provides novice users and advanced players everything they need to create their own adventures.

* Includes the full Ready-to-Play Fiona!
* In-Game help feature allows you to jump right in and start...

Kuusou Kagaku, Agetec
Kuusou Kagaku
Role-Playing > Japanese-Style
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Accessing the Fu-Ma game for editing.

From the title screen choose ''Edit Game'' then in the Menu choose ''File'' then ''Load''. The game should then display the contents of your memory card (if it has RPG Maker game data on it). Next press ''Circle'' then ''UP'' to highlight your memory card in the small box above. Press ''X'' then choose ''Sample'' from the menu. Select the Fu-Ma sample game data and enter the password below when prompted. The sample game will then be loaded into memory for you to play around with.

Circle, X, UP, Left, Down, Right, Square, Triangle
Gives access to the Fu-Ma game for editing.

No Random Battles in Test Play

In test play hold circle to run and you won't have any random battles until you let go.

Hold circle
You'll run but have no battles.


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