


In Okami, the player takes the role of the mythical sun goddess Amaterasu, in the form of a wolf. Her task is to restore color (or 'life') to the world by destroying the monsters who have stolen it. Since Amaterasu is a diety, there are naturally people who worship her and people who don't. The more people who worship her (as a result of her restoring color and doing other good deeds for them), the more powerful she becomes.



In Okami, the player takes the role of the mythical sun goddess Amaterasu, in the form of a wolf. Her task is to restore color (or 'life') to the world by destroying the monsters who have stolen it. Since Amaterasu is a diety, there are naturally people who worship her and people who don't. The more people who worship her (as a result of her restoring color and doing other good deeds for them), the more powerful she becomes.

Clover Studio, Capcom
Clover Studio
Action Adventure > General
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Control loading screens

At the loading screen that features a trail of paw prints and a picture of Issun, press X to make the paw prints larger. On other loading screens, repeatedly pressing X will display paw prints. You can also add Demon Fangs to your inventory by pressing X on the longer loading screens. Press X over screens that feature a trail of paw prints until Issun appears. Big paw prints and a Demon Fang will appear. Quickly press X as fast as possible until a Demon Fang appears to add it to your inventory.

Earn Demon Fangs

Demon Fangs can be used as currency to purchase some of the best items in the game. Here are the methods by which you can collect them.

Finishing Moves: After defeating an enemy, it'll hurl upwards in a slow motion death throw. Execute the right brush technique on the enemy during this animation to earn a demon fang. For imps, perform a Power Slash. For bud ogres, perform Bloom.

Well-Timed Counter: When you're able to equip a reflector instrument as a secondary weapon, you can perform counters on enemies as they attack you. If your timing is perfect, you'll earn a demon fang.

Golden Fury: Use the Golden Fury attack--learned from the sensei in Shinshu Field--to knock out one demon fang from each enemy you fight.

Load Screens: During load screens, press X to earn fangs. On screens with paw prints along the bottom, tap X in time with the paws that appear (making them larger). On screens with prints in the center, mash X rapidly to fill the screen with 50 prints to earn a demon fang.

End Game Unlockables

Your final end-of-game evaluation on what you did during the game will determine what number of unlockables you get.

How to Unlock
Find all 100 Stray Beads
Kamic Returner
Complete the game once.
Kamic Transfomer 1
Complete the game once.
Kamic Transfomer 2
Complete the game once.
Kamic Transfomer 3
S-Rating for "Deaths"
Kamic Transfomer 4
S-Rating for "Enemies Defeated"
Kamic Transfomer 5
S-Rating for "Money Gained"
Kamic Transfomer 6
S-Rating for "Demon Fangs Found"
Kamic Transfomer 7
S-Rating for "Praise Earned"
Kamic Transfomer 8
S-Rating for "Praise Earned"
Kamic Transfomer 9
S-Rating for "Praise Earned"
Secret Theatre
More than 31 hours of play time
Stray Bead
Complete the game once.

Instant Kill Parry Attack

When you first get the Devout Beads divine instrument, set them as your primary weapon and move your reflector to your secondary weapon. You can then perform a parry move by pressing TRIANGLE during combat. Time the parry just before an enemy attack hits you and you'll counter with a pile driver that kills many enemies instantly.


You unlock invincibility when you collect all 100 stray beads.

How to Unlock
Collect all 100 Stray Beads


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