Ninja Assault

Ninja Assault

Ninja Assault

Ruling with an army of demonic soldiers, Shogun Kigai has conquered the innocent nation of Tenshin and kidnapped its beautiful Princess Koto. As violence and carnage tear apart the land, three great Ninjas rise to end the bloodshed and rescue the Princess. Armed with sacred weapons, the three Ninjas embark on a journey to destroy the evil Shogun and defeat his menacing army of demons...


Ninja Assault

Ruling with an army of demonic soldiers, Shogun Kigai has conquered the innocent nation of Tenshin and kidnapped its beautiful Princess Koto. As violence and carnage tear apart the land, three great Ninjas rise to end the bloodshed and rescue the Princess. Armed with sacred weapons, the three Ninjas embark on a journey to destroy the evil Shogun and defeat his menacing army of demons...

Action > Shooter > Rail
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Accuracy saves health

If you try to empty out your bullets into the enemy's head as fast as possible, this can make you lose more health. Try to limit the speed of your trigger finger . The more bullets you shoot, the more times you have to reload and become vulnerable to being attacked.

Chapter 2 In Mission Mode

Successfully complete story mode in Guren's chapter to unlock Chapter 2 in the Bonus Game's mission mode.

Easy reload

This trick requires a controller with an auto-fire feature and the Guncom2. Set up the Guncom2 as usual, then take the auto-fire controller and use it in port one. Set reload to auto-fire. The controller reloads as you do all the hard work.

Extra Credits

When all credits are used in a chapter, one credit is permanently increased per chapter with all credits used up for a total of 12 credits.

Get Fireworks Mini Game for training

Finish 1st in story mode's arcade mode.


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