NCAA Football 08

NCAA Football 08

NCAA Football 08

NCAA Football 08




Cheat Codes/Hints

All-Time teams

Press Select at the pennant selection screen, then enter one of the following passwords to unlock the corresponding All-Time team.

Password - Effect

Roll Tide - Alabama
Woopigsooie - Arkansas
War Eagle - Auburn
Sic Em - Baylor
Death Valley - Clemson
Glory - Colorado
Great To Be - Florida
Uprising - Florida State
Hunker Down - Georgia
Oskee Wow - Illinois
On Iowa - Iowa
Victory - Kansas State
Geaux Tigers - LSU
Raising Cane - Miami
Go Blue - Michigan
Hail State - Mississippi State
Mizzou Rah - Missouri
Go Big Red - Nebraska
Rah Rah - North Carolina
Golden Domer - Notre Dame
Killer Nuts - Ohio State
Boomer - Oklahoma
Go Pokes - Oklahoma State
Quack Attack - Oregon
We Are - Penn State
Lets Go Pitt - Pittsburgh
Boiler Up - Purdue
Orange Crush - Syracuse
Big Orange - Tennessee
Hook Em - Texas
Gig Em - Texas A&M
Fight - Texas Tech
Mighty - UCLA
Bow Down - University of Washington
Fight On - USC
Wahoos - Virginia
Tech Triumph - Virginia Tech
U Rah Rah - Wisconsin

Best time to use hurdle

Typically when you go against your rival, a tackler will try and go for your legs. About 50% of the time you are running with the ball against a rival, hurdle.

Campus Legend Mode

During Campus Legend Mode, your scholastic achievement is important. So, for instance, if you need a boost to your player's GPA, choose to go study with a tutor. This will increase your test scores, and eventually, your GPA will increase. You could also choose to study on your own, which will give you possible questions and answers on your tests. Simply write down the answers or keep a laptop handy, where the answers can be quickly researched on the internet.

Dynasty mode: Better trophies in

When creating your schedule, make sure to add as much ranked teams as possible. Try and go against the #1, #2, or #3 ranked team the most.

Dynasty mode: Easier prospect drafting

When you first start the season, create a prospect and make sure to make his home state where your team is located. Then, talk to him on the phone about where he lives and the college being close. Most of the time, you will get a high ranking for that action.

Hidden endzones

To make the endzones hidden, start a Play Now mode match. When you reach the field selection screen, set the game length to fifteen minutes, make the weather overcast cloudy, precipitation high, and temperature -20 degrees. If done correctly, in the upper corner should be a picture of a cloud with heavy snow. Start the game and by the second quarter there will be so much snow that the endzone lines and all other white lines will be gone.

How to use injured players in Dynasty mode

If you have a injured player on your roster going into the game, start the game as normal, after the first kickoff, hit pause and click restart. This will restart the game and your injured players will be able to play.

Mascot teams

Press Select at the pennant selection screen, then enter one of the following passwords to unlock the corresponding mascot team.

Password - Effect

Bear Down - Arizona
RamblinWreck - Georgia Tech
Red And Gold - Iowa State
Rock Chalk - Kansas
On On UK - Kentucky
Go Green - Michigan State
Rah Rah Rah - Minnesota
Go Pack - North Carolina State
Go Cats - Northwestern
Hotty Totty - Ole Miss
Go Carolina - South Carolina
Go Deacs Go - Wake Forest
All Hail - Washington State
Hail WV - West Virginia

Pennant Codes

In your Pennant Collection press select to enter the following codes:

Password - Effect

Fumble - 2004 All-American Team
Roll Tide - All-Time Alabama Team
Woopigsooie - All-Time Arkansas Team
War Eagle - All-Time Auburn Team
Death Valley - All-Time Clemson Team
Go Blue - All-Time Michigan Team
Killer Nuts - All-Time Ohio State Team
We Are - All-Time Penn State Team
Gig Em - All-Time Texas A&M Team
Mighty - All-Time UCLA Team
Bow Down - All-Time Washington Team
U Rah Rah - All-Time Wisconsin Team
All Hail - Wyoming Mascot
Hail WV - Zips Mascot


Press Select at the pennant selection screen, then enter one of the following passwords to unlock the corresponding pennant.

Password - Effect

Fumble - 2004 All-Americans #273
For - Blink, referee spots the ball short for opponent
Registering - Boing, opponent drops more passes
With EA - Butter Fingers, opponent fumbles more often
Tiburon - Crossed The Line #205, QB can pass the line of scrimmage
EA Sports - Cuffed #206, you cannot throw interceptions or fumble
Touchdown - Extra Credit, 4 point interceptions, 3 point sacks
In The Zone - Helium #208, more catches likely
Turnover - Hurricane, your team's pass rush improved for one game
Impact - Instant Freeplay, 5 downs instead of 4
Heisman - Jumbalaya #211, Get points when your players are injured
Sideline - Kicker Hex #229
Game Time - Molasses, increases your opponent's fatigue for one game
Break Free - Nike Free, improve ability to break tackles for one game
Hand Picked - Nike Magnigrip, better chance your players will intercept
No Sweat - Nike Pro, improve your QB's accuracy for one game
Elite 11 - QB Dud #219
Gridiron - Steel Toe #221
NCAA - Stiffed #222
Upset - Super Dive #223
Football - Take Your Time #224
Offense - Tough As Nails #226
Defense - Trip #227
Blitz - What A Hit #228



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