Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front

Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front

Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front

For years you fought against the Zeon, and now you can fight as one. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Zeonic Front lets you both play as your worst enemy and control an elite mobile suit team. Set in the One Year War, you'll battle against the Earth Federation for independence and control of Earth territories. Control up to three attack teams per mission, and devise superior strategies against Earth Federation troops. As the Federation launches a massive counterstrike on Zeon-controlled territories, show Gundam that Zeon won't go down without a fight.


Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front

For years you fought against the Zeon, and now you can fight as one. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Zeonic Front lets you both play as your worst enemy and control an elite mobile suit team. Set in the One Year War, you'll battle against the Earth Federation for independence and control of Earth territories. Control up to three attack teams per mission, and devise superior strategies against Earth Federation troops. As the Federation launches a massive counterstrike on Zeon-controlled territories, show Gundam that Zeon won't go down without a fight.

Bec, Bandai
Simulation > Vehicle > Combat
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Additional missions

Successfully complete the game to unlock another set of missions.

Federation Shield for Austin's Zaku 1

Successfully complete the game, then play practice mission 1 with Austin's Zaku 1. Successfully complete it and you should have a heavy Fed shield like the Gundam's, and a few new supplies.

Lt. Sophie's Beam Rifle

To unlock Lt.Sophie's beam rifle, just increase the number of kills. Note:To make it easier Simulation 1 would be a good idea.

Play as Char Aznable

Get an "S" rank in Simulation Program 1 to unlock Char Aznable.

Unlock Lt. Fran's Guntank MP

To obtain Lt. Fran's Guntank MP obtain 50 kills with her GM S-Armor to unlock her Guntank MP.

Unlockable Features

Please do the following:

How to Unlock
Access Simulator mission 6
All characters unlocked.
Beam Rifle
complete all of 2nd run through and complete all simulations with an S rank while using the Dom Tropen
Char Aznable, the Red Comet, and his MS-06S Zaku II
Beat game. Play through simulator mission one - Practice - with an S rank (though admittedly, I was able to get him with an A rank).
Gaia of the Black Tri-Stars and his MS-09 Dom
Beat game. Complete mission 12 on the second time through the game - this unlocks the simulator mission where the Black Tri-Stars make their attack on the Trojan Horse.
Garma Zabi, and his custom MS-06Fs Zaku II
Beat game. You need to complete simulator mission 2 - Breakthrough - with an A or S rank. (Honestly I'm not sure about the A rank, though again, it happened with me. So try for an S regardless)
Get The Gouf Form Of Zaku
Get up to Mission 6 in story mode. Then select Lt. Lou Roher and it shall have Gouf MP.
Hayato's guncannon
Get 50 kills with his guntank.
Hidden Character - Char Aznable
Get an S Rank (8,000+ points) in Simulation Program 1 after finishing the game once.
Hidden Character - Garma Zabi
Get an S Rank (8,000+ points) in Simulation Program 2.
Kai in his Guncannon, Hayato in the Guntank, and Lt. Agar in his Guncannon
Beat game. Complete the 'Attack Jaburo' mission on the second run through the game.
Kai's guntank
Get 50 kills with his guncannon.
LC Garret Schmitzer
You can get his customized MS-05S Zaku I by just beating the game once.
Mudrock full specs
Unlock mudrock gundam. Then get an S rank on a federation sim. After the stage Agar will have full Mudrock Gundam.
Ramba Ral, and his nifty blue YMS-07B Gouf
Beat game. Open up the simulator mission about his attack on the Trojan Horse, which is achieved by beating mission 8 the second time through the game. Note, not -simulator- mission 8, in-game mission 8. Once you've beaten it, Ramba Ral is yours.
RX-78-6 Mudrock gundam
Beat game. Completing Simulator missions 27-31 with A or S ranks.
Sayla Mass in the RX-78-2 Gundam, and Amuro in the same machine
Beat game. Complete the missions.



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