Madden NFL 06

Madden NFL 06

Madden NFL 06

With its new modes and enhancements, Madden NFL 06 offers an authentic football experience. Among the game's offensive enhancements are the "QB Vision Control," which gives each quarterback a unique field of vision, and the "QB Precision Placement," which lets you throw the ball more accurately. In NFL Superstar mode, you can experience the life of an NFL player by earning one of more than 60 personas ranging from MVP to movie star.


Madden NFL 06

With its new modes and enhancements, Madden NFL 06 offers an authentic football experience. Among the game's offensive enhancements are the "QB Vision Control," which gives each quarterback a unique field of vision, and the "QB Precision Placement," which lets you throw the ball more accurately. In NFL Superstar mode, you can experience the life of an NFL player by earning one of more than 60 personas ranging from MVP to movie star.

EA Sports
EA Sports
Sports > Team > Football > Sim
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

2 for 1 touchdowns

If you throw a touchdown pass and your reciever catches it right on the goal line and it is ruled a touchdown it will put a touchdown in your stats. If the other coach challenges the touchdown and it is called back and put on the inches line to the goal you will still have thrown and caught a touchdown.

Antonio Gates Has 0 TDs

Look in the Antonio Gates Player Information screen. It shows his receptions, rec yards, etc. However, they show that Gates had 0 TDs. Gates set the record for TDs by a Tight End with 13.

Card codes

Select the "My Madden" option at the main menu. Select the "Madden Cards" option, then choose "Madden Codes" to enter a code:

Card - Code

All stadiums - 555128
Classic teams - 614897
3rd Down (Opponent has 3 downs to get a 1st) - Z28X8K
5th Down (Get 5 downs to get a 1st) - P66C4L
Bad Spot - N44D6E
Bingo! (+75% defensive interceptions) - J33I8F
Coffin Corner - L96U8Z
Couch Potato - P39I7J
Da Bomb (infinite pass range) - B61A8M
Da Boot (infinite field goal range) - I76X3T
Extra Credit (Points for interceptions and sacks) - M89S8G
First and Fifteen (Opponent must get 15 yards for 1st down) - V65J8P
First and Five (1st down yards set to 5) - O72E9B
Fumbilitis (Opponents fumbles +75%) - R14B8Z
Hands Of Glue - R18C5K
Hands Of Stone - W18R6P
Human Plow (Break tackle +75%) - L96J7P
Jam - E53G8W
Lame Duck (Opponent lobs passes) - D57R5S
Mistake Free (No fumbles or interceptions) - X78P9Z
Mr. Mobility (QB cannot be sacked) - Y59R8R
Ouch! - Z15F9Z
Passerby - T67X6R
Penetration - J83E9V
Pocket Protectors - G97L1J
QB On Target - E65S6M
Super Dive (Diving distance +75%) - D59K3Y
Toast - H11X2G
Tight Fit (Opponents uprights narrow) - V34L6D
Time Out - Q83L6Q
Touchy - Y68G7D
Unforced Errors (Opponent fumbles when jukes) - L48G1E
Wind Gust - P13Q7V
Worker's Comp - H89Q4Y


How to Unlock
Unlock by getting gold in the All-Madden Pocket Presence drill.
Unlock by getting gold in the Chase and Tackle drill. (Any Difficulty)
Unlock by getting gold in the Ground Attack drill. (Any Difficulty)
Unlock by getting gold in the Clutch Kicking drill. (Any Difficulty)
Unlock by getting gold in the Swat Ball drill. (Any Difficulty)
Unlock by getting gold in the Pocket Presence drill. (Any Difficulty)
Unlock by getting gold in the Trench Fight drill. (Any Difficulty)
Unlock by getting gold in the Precision Passing drill. (Any Difficulty)
Unlock by getting gold in the Coffin Corner drill. (Any Difficulty)
Unlock by getting gold in the All-Madden Coffin Corner drill.
Unlock by getting gold in the All-Madden Chase and Tackle drill.
Unlock by getting gold in the All-Madden Ground Attack drill.
Unlock by getting gold in the All-Madden Precision Passing drill.
Unlock by getting gold in the All-Madden Swat Ball drill.
Unlock by getting gold in the All-Madden Clutch Kicking drill.
Unlock by getting gold in the All-Madden Trench Fight drill.

Cheerleader/Pump Up Crowd Cards: #250-281

These are unlocked by completing each team's Situation in Mini-Camp mode, with the exception of these teams:

#251: Cincinnati Bengals
#260: Dallas Cowboys
#264: San Francisco 49ers
#273: St. Louis Rams


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