Go to the South city water area and into the left corner (there should be a small square building with a door). Jump on the roof, orient your camera facing back towards the center of the water area, then roll off just above the door. If you do it right, you will hit the ground, the door will open briefly, and you should be able to get inside. Once inside, you can use R3 to look around, or press up on the camera repeatedly and you will suddenly be in an elevator. At the bottom of the elevator is a cool platform with blue stretching in all directions. You can kinda see the block puzzle in the upper left corner. When you die there you will reappear next to the Titan suit in the underport. This glitch cannot be accessed until you get to "Rescue Sig in the Underport".
After the cutscene before the final battle, hold R2 and you'll transform (or stay as) Dark Jak, regardless of Dark Eco meter.
It is possible to destroy Errol in the final race. All you have to do is force him to hit a wall (the large rock one works best). He will not regenerate and the cutscene once you win the race remains the same. This does not work with other races and it is also possible for you to be destroyed as well.
If you are angry for whatever reason at the Krimzon Guard, and want to make them mad and not get killed for it, then complete these steps:
1- Get a Zoomer (they're the small fast little vehicles)
2- Go full speed aiming towards a guard
3- Right before you hit him, press Triangle to mount off
4- If you do it right, the vehicle will smash into him and he will receive damage, without raising any alarms
To instantly remove alert status, walk into an airlock for a City exit (do not leave the city). The music should immediately fade and once you walk back into the city the alerts will be gone.
If you translate the writing on Precursor Orbs (they use the Precursor Alphabet) to English, it will read "Naughty Dog" . To find this, find a Precursor Orb (the red eggs) and translate it (this is done manually) .
When you fall from a high place, kick (Circle) shortly before you hit the ground and you won't take any damage from the fall.
In the tomb when Daxter is being chased by a rock, hide as soon as you can behind one of the triangles sticking out from the wall on the left or right.The rock will be in slow motion allowing you to pass easily!!!!
You can get rid of that annoying robot that kills you instantly by turning into Dark Jak and executing Dark Bomb in the water while the robot is in view. If done correctly your screen should shake a little and the robot should disappear.
The one and only way to get unlimited precursor orbs find a side mission that rewards precursor orbs when you find it in a certain amount of time. Get close to the orb and jump over top of the it and pause it before you fall on it (must be directly above orb when paused) and go to the 180° arrow and restart it. If done correctly you should hear the sound that you hear when you collect the orbs and the mission should restart. If you press R3 (press the right analog stick into the controller) you should have 3 more precursor orbs. Save frequently in the pause menu in case you do grab the orb before you can restart it