Justice League Heroes

Justice League Heroes

Justice League Heroes

Justice League Heroes is an action adventure game with role-playing customization featuring Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna and other unlockable Justice League super heroes. Each hero possesses an array of character-specific, upgradeable superpowers resulting in unique controls and fighting-styles. Engaging in one-to-two player cooperative combat, gamers are be able to customize and master these superpowers as they travel through interactive and destructible environments spanning the farthest corners of the universe.


Justice League Heroes

Justice League Heroes is an action adventure game with role-playing customization featuring Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna and other unlockable Justice League super heroes. Each hero possesses an array of character-specific, upgradeable superpowers resulting in unique controls and fighting-styles. Engaging in one-to-two player cooperative combat, gamers are be able to customize and master these superpowers as they travel through interactive and destructible environments spanning the farthest corners of the universe.

Snowblind Studios, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Snowblind Studios
Role-Playing > Action RPG
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

20 shields

Pause the game, then hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Up(2), Down(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Bonus heroes

The following characters can be unlocked by spending the indicated number of Justice League of America Shields that can be collected throughout the game:

Aquaman: 27 Shields
Green Arrow: 76 Shields
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan): 84 Shields
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner): 55 Shields
Hawkgirl: 70 Shields
Huntress: 53 Shields

Characters and alternate Costumes

When playing the game you collects little orange Shields to buy New Hero's or alternate Costumes. To access the menu hit the select button and on the far right is the menu to spend you well earned Shields. The ony time you may pick your New Hero is when the game lets you pick you Hero. At the same time you may change you costume by hitting the square button.

Effect - Code

Batman alternate Costume - Clasic Blue 59 Shields
Batman alternate Costume - Infiltration Suit-Batman Beyond 74 Shields
Flash alternate Costume - Jay Garrick 21 Shields
Flash alternate Costume - Walter West 48 Shields
Green Lantern alternate Costume - Retro 23 Shields
Green Lantern - alternate Costume - Bold 30 Shields
Martian Manhunter alternate Costume - Modren Look 29 Shields
Martian Manhunter alternate Costume - True Form 15 Shields
New Hero - Aquaman 27 Shields
New Hero - Green Arrow 76 Shields
New Hero - Green Lantern-Hal Jordan 84 Shields
New Hero - Green Lantern-Kyle Rayner 55 Shields
New Hero - Hawkgirl 70 Shields
New Hero - Huntress 53 Shields
Superman alternate Costume - Black Recovery Suit 32 Shields
Superman alternate Costume - Earth 2 65 Shields
Superman alternate Costume - Kandor 91 Shields
Wonder Woman alternate Costume - Biker Style 61 Shields
Wonder Woman alternate Costume - Toga 44 Shields
Zatanna alternate Costume - Classic Blue 25 Shields
Zatanna alternate Costume - Identity Crisis 38 Shields


At the pause menu, hold down all 4 L and R buttons.

All levels
All levels
Up, Up, Down, Down
Gives 20 shields
Left, Right, Left, Righ
Gives 25 Random Boosts
Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
Right, Down, Right, Down
Maxes out abilities
One-hit kills
Downx2, Rightx2, Upx2, Leftx2
Unlimited Energy
Down, Left, Up, Right
Unlock everything
Unlocks all Cinematics

Completion bonuses

Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Continued Play" option, which allows a new game to be started with all previous stats and items, and an alternate main menu background (with characters from the game).


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