Jurassic: The Hunted

Jurassic: The Hunted

Jurassic: The Hunted

Jurassic: the Hunted is an epic shooter set on a dark, mysterious island lost in time. Players assume the role of weapons and survival expert Craig Dylan, who has been hired to protect a research team studying the strange temporal energy of the island. Protection quickly becomes a fight for survival as Dylan is pulled back in time through the Bermuda Triangle and finds himself facing the most terrifying creatures in the history of the planet. Combat encounters include "arena" style fights, fortification sieges, survival modes and unforgettable boss battles. Adrenaline bursts give you an edge...


Jurassic: The Hunted

Jurassic: the Hunted is an epic shooter set on a dark, mysterious island lost in time. Players assume the role of weapons and survival expert Craig Dylan, who has been hired to protect a research team studying the strange temporal energy of the island. Protection quickly becomes a fight for survival as Dylan is pulled back in time through the Bermuda Triangle and finds himself facing the most terrifying creatures in the history of the planet. Combat encounters include "arena" style fights, fortification sieges, survival modes and unforgettable boss battles. Adrenaline bursts give you an edge...

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Cheat Codes/Hints

Survival & Hard Mode

Complete the once to unlock Survival & Hard Mode.

How to Unlock


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