Jaws Unleashed

Jaws Unleashed

Jaws Unleashed

Jaws Unleashed

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Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Angry Armada mission

Use the depth charges labeled in green on Jaws's radar, to destroy the Coast Guard boat for good. Earlier in the stage, when it says "Survive and kill everyone", destroy the helicopter by waiting for it to attempt to rescue someone, then bite it. Do not let go and you will drag it into the water where it explodes.

Attacking swimmers

When attacking a large number of swimmers trying to escape, attack them stealthily and drag them farther out so you have more time, then eat them.

If you grab a human, pull them deep underwater, let them go, then swim in circles around them, you will start to scare them as they resurface. Once they are at the surface, swim up onto them gently to lift them out of the water. You will scare them to death. This does not seem to kill humans that are on the surface already.

Blood On The Beach mission

Use the following trick to get rid of the Coast Guard ship that keeps shooting you, in front of the bridge and net blocking the lake. Face the bridge and swim at the battery on to the left. Jump out of the water and bite and hold the battery. Take the battery as far out into open water as far as it will go. When it disappears it will reset back on the beach and the boat will be gone.

Body Bomb

To do the Body Bomb, hold L to charge, then jump out of the water when near a boat. Release the Left Analog-stick and Jaws will jump out of the water and land on a boat and sink it.

Breakout Defeating Shamu

Enable the "1 million points" code then buy all your upgrades. When you reach Shamu use the corkscrew attack to knock him out. Then, keep biting him until he gets up. Keep repeating this strategy until he is defeated.


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