Hulk, The

Hulk, The

Hulk, The

Hulk, The




Cheat Codes/Hints

Code Input Screen

Enter these cheats at the code input screen in the Options menu:

Double Health for Enemies - BRNGITN
Double Health for Hulk - HLTHDSE
Half Enemies' HP - MMMYHLP
High Score reset - NMBTHIH
Invincibility - GMMSKIN
Level Select - TRUBLVR
Regenerator - FLSHWND
Unlimited Continues - GRNCHTR

Code Terminal

Enter these cheats at a code terminal in the game:

Play as Gray Hulk - JANITOR
Unlock Desert Battle art - FIFTEEN
Unlock Hulk Movie FMV art - NANOMED
Unlock Hulk Transformed art - SANFRAN
Unlock Hulk vs. Hulk Dogs art - PITBULL

Defeating soldiers with their shields up

When you are in rage mode and encounter soldiers in their shields, do Hulk's Earthquake attack. Their shields will fall and you can take them out .

Defeating super robots

The super-robots are the steel-made hide-weaponry guards inside the Desert Base. To defeat them, get them to clump together. Then, jump over the pack of them and run in a circle around them. They will use their energy-beam attack, but
as you run it will hit more robots, damaging or destroying them all.

Defeating the Leader

In the level where you meet the Leader, enable the "Invulnerable" code to always win. To make it faster, also enable the "Wicked punch" cheat. Punch him once as Banner and use a Sonic Clap as the Hulk to defeat him before help arrives.

Defeating the parasitic Half-Life

Half-Life is the first Boss you have to fight. His touch will drop your health. Get him into the generators. If you cannot; jump into the air and press Gamma. If you get him in a generator, you will fry him. His bar will return. Use the same strategies again. He will return after you defeat Ravage (Gamma thief).

Destroying helicopters

If you get something to throw, pick it up then jump on the roof. Jump while on the roof. If done correctly, you can blow up the helicopters. Do a Super Sonic Clap (Triangle + Circle) while in a rage. Point in the general direction of the helicopter, do the attack, and it will explode. Note: This will not work if the helicopter is directly above you.

Destroying missiles

Perform any kind of punch toward a missile when it is flying at you. If timed correctly, you can punch the missile and it will fly back to the soldier who shot it then blow him up.

Endurance mode

Both endurance modes have 25 waves of enemies.

Final level

After defeating the Leader, the stronghold will collapse. Pound the door two or three times and follow the path. Ignore the Gamma Elite and go directly to the place where you fought Madman and Half-Life. Wait until the boulders stop falling. Then, jump as if going out of a trouble zone. Defeat the return of Madman at the end and you are home free.



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