Hobbit, The

Hobbit, The

Hobbit, The

Hobbit, The

Inevitable Entertainment



Cheat Codes/Hints

Barrels Out of Bound: Elvish Opening Crystal #4

In Barrels Out of Bound in the Deep Water Caverns (Rescuing Thorin), where you first come in there is a platform with vines. Climb them and jump on the ropes to the left and around the bend until you see the blue crystal. Later you will be able to get Master Throwing Tactics, which is in a cave to the left of the main gate (after you put the dwarves in barrels without opening the gate). Then up on the ledges, go right and follow the path attached to the wall. You will see a barred gate and a switch. Insert Opening Crystal #4. In that cave you will find Master Throwing Tactics and some jewels.

Beating The Three Spider Sisters

In the last section of the level "Flies and Spiders", you will be required to kill the three huge spiders before moving on. This is enormously difficult and is probably the hardest level in the video game. However, here is how to complete the stage. After you free the dwarves, kill the approaching spiders and slide down the rope. Make mush of any immediate enemies, and try to go through the opening in the wall. A queen spider will block it with her web, making your escape impossible. Kill her by hacking with your sword or walking stick. When she is done, another sister will start harassing you. Get the fire rocks nearby and throw them at her. She will dissolve in about ten hits, leaving a string of courage points in her wake. The last spider is difficult. Hit her with freezing stones, then lash out when she is immobilized. You will finish the level to explore more amazing adventures!

Carrier upgrades

At the end of each level, you will be taken to the vendor. Here, you can buy upgrades for your rock bag and medicine chest. Each affects your carrying capacity. The upgrades are as follows:

Medicine Chest
First upgrade: +5 antidote and health potion carrying capacity; total of 10 each.
Second upgrade: +5 antidote and health potion carrying capacity; total of 15 each.

Rock Bag
First upgrade: +10 rock carrying capacity; total of 20 rocks.
Second upgrade: +10 rock carrying capacity; total of 30 rocks.

Clouds Burst: Lower gate easier

In the Clouds Burst (last level), when you are helping Beorn must lower the bridge, go on the path to lower the bridge. When you are under the bridge, take out your stick and do a stick jump. The shockwave from under the bridge will set off the explosives and you have now lowered the bridge.

Defeating Smaug

Stay behind the debris until all of the fire is gone. Even though he stops, some fire is still there and it will kill even if you take one step out. The ring will not help you at all.

Easy courage points

On the last level when you meet Liana, she will start fighting the Goblins. There will be an unlimited amount of them. If you need to level up, stay there for awhile and collect all of the courage points.

In the last level (Gathering Of The Clouds), when you meet up with Lianna, you can get endless courage points by either waiting at the top of the ladder for Lianna to kill all of the Orcs, or by fighting them yourself. The Orcs will keep appearing, supplying you with endless courage points.

At the beginning of the final level (The Clouds Burst) after talking to Gandalf and receiving his message, look around. You will see three female Elves. Face away from Gandalf and Elvenking Thranduil. Then, go to the female elf on your left. Talk to this female elf seven times and a lot of courage points (value 50) will appear, which you will automatically collect. This will total 2,000 courage points. To talk seven times faster, press Start. If you do not receive the 2,000 courage points, you are probably talking to the wrong female elf. In this case, just try the others until you get the courage points.

Easy rope jumping

Use the following trick if you are on a rope and need to jump to another rope. Face the other rope and wait until Bilbo reaches out and tries to grab the other rope. Then, jump.

Elf Head Spin

When in barrels out of bond don't free the head dwarf from the cage in the deep cellar instead go to the small pedestal with a small crystal on it hold the square button a door will open. Slip the ring on and go up the passage there should be to elfs guarding the passage jump behind one of the two and pay attention to the elfs head if you did it correctly the elfs head should spin completely around.

Erebor: Belt

After Smaug is defeated, you will be in Erebor. After solving the block riddle, Bombur will want you to find a belt. Next to Thorin are wooden platforms. Climb them and get the belt. Then in the gear room, climb up the wooden platforms in the back of the room and put it in the gears.

Getting the cup for dwarfs from Smaug

When you first enter the cave in "Inside Information", a dragon named Smaug will be sleeping. When you first enter, there will be an intermission sequence stating that Bilbo should not make any noise to wake up the dragon. There are coins everywhere. Do not step on them, or Smaug will wake up. There are ledges with paths on them when you first go down and lots of coins. Do not jumping around or do anything else. Bilbo takes breaths after he jumps, which makes the sleeping meter go up, which is not good. There are also a lot of treasure chests. Do not open them. To get to many of them you must to cross the coin maze, which will wake up the dragon. Note: When you defeat Smaug the second time he will not be in the cavern (where you are) -- you can then go to the chests. If you wake up Smaug for any reason, you are dead. When there are high ledges, try to find another area to walk in. When you see a higher area you can reach, take hold and go on it. Go higher and higher. There are switches in the cavern, where it leads to great items for you to use on the journey in here. When you find an area that you cannot reach, look for higher ledges. There is one part in the cavern where you will get very close to Smaug. His tail will be in the way. Do not touch it or he will wake up. When the meter is almost about to wake Smaug up, stand completely still and wait for it to go down, then climb higher and higher. When there are save locates (nearer to the highest that you can go to get to the top chandelier) save the game and continue. When you get the a high point in the cavern where you are higher than Smaug, there will be a huge chandelier. Try to climb and jump on the littler chandeliers and go to the highest one. Note: The highest chandelier is a little far away. You cannot exactly climb on it. There are chains of metal hanging down. Grab them and go to the next set of chains. Note: The longest (closest to the huge chandelier) changes the camera movement -- it looks down at Smaug directly underneath you. Climb higher and when you get high enough you can see normal again. Jump to the huge chandelier, get the rubies, and an intermission sequence will start. Then, a bigger fight will begin. You will automatically be taken to the entrance and must stay behind ledges and wait for Smaug to fry you. When you are behind a ledge and he fires at you, stay there. Do not save the game -- if you move slightly to his left side you will die instantly, and start over. When the fire is gone from him, quickly save the game then run to the next ledge (rubies will lead you). When you hear Smaug inhale, stay behind the rocks or ledges. Then, run to the other ones with the same strategy. The fight will end, having the dwarfs in the cavern, trapped. Then, search for the treasure chests then another level will begin. Climb down to the bottom of the cavern. Get the treasure chests down there. Note: When you fall down, you cannot go back to the dwarfs. Climb down. There is water down there, but not rising. When you get all of the chests down there, save the game. Search for a square rock and a black hole. If you go in the hole, you will not get hurt. Then, move the block in the black hole (next to it) and look for a ledge and start climbing. When there is another hole with a block next to it, move it and keep climbing. If you think you cannot reach a ledge and water is rising near you, take out your staff and jump over the gaps. Another block and hole appears. Move the block in the hole, but do not get the silver coins if the water is rising; you will not be able to climb back up to the other paths. If you fall in the water, you will drown and die (and return to the save location). Note that there is another save location near the ledge where the silver coins are located. Then, climb upward to find a save location. Save, then continue up the path. There is another block with a black hole. Then close the final hole, go up the path and jump to the next little ledge. Jump to the chains or vines near you. Go to the last vine/chain and wait for the water to rise high enough to get on the door/boat in the water. Jump and you will safely rise up to the dwarfs.



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