High Heat Major League Baseball 2004

High Heat Major League Baseball 2004

High Heat Major League Baseball 2004

High Heat™ Major League Baseball® 2004 combines new graphics and animations with a deep Franchise mode, a highly acclaimed A.I., and unsurpassed baseball realism. In Two On Two Showdown™, one of the game's eleven modes, pick a pitcher and a batter, and square off in a single-inning battle!


High Heat Major League Baseball 2004

High Heat™ Major League Baseball® 2004 combines new graphics and animations with a deep Franchise mode, a highly acclaimed A.I., and unsurpassed baseball realism. In Two On Two Showdown™, one of the game's eleven modes, pick a pitcher and a batter, and square off in a single-inning battle!

Sports > Team > Baseball > Sim
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheat mode

Pause game play and press Square(2), Circle(2), L1, R1. A sound will confirm this portion of the code. Then, press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. The "Ball Cannon" (set pitch physics) and "Game State" (edit game parameters) options will now be unlocked.

Note: After using the "Game State" and "Ball Cannon" cheats, if you do not save soon afterwards, your game may freeze.


Hold Square after your batter is beaned and he will charge the pitcher and start a fight. Your player will be ejected.

Game State/Hit Cannon Mode

Pause the game and press Square, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, R1, then press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2
Game state options menu

Glitch: Getting beaned

Sometimes if your batter is beaned, he will not be allowed to go to first base.

Hint: Created player with long socks

Go to edit/create player screen . Go to a person that has socks (for example, Mark Belhorn). Select him, then change him to the player you want to create. Press Triangle and you will be prompted to save your changes. Select "Yes".


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