Galactic Wrestling: Featuring Ultimate Muscle

Galactic Wrestling: Featuring Ultimate Muscle

Galactic Wrestling: Featuring Ultimate Muscle

Galactic Wrestling: Featuring Ultimate Muscle

ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Alternate Ending Sequence

Unlock a bonus character to change the ending sequence. Each new character will change the ending sequence again.

Final Kinkeshi Mode Machine

After the first five machines are completed, a sixth machine with the final three Kinkeshi will be unlocked.

North American Names

The North American: Japanese version of the characters are as follows.
Barracude: Mr. Barracuda
Beetlebomb: Geronimo
Big Budo: Big The Budo
Bone Cold: Incio
Brocken Jr: Blocken Jr
Buffalo Rampage: Buffaloman
Canadianman: Manitoban
Dik Dik Van Dik: Gazelleman
Eskara/Mars: Scarface/Malice
Gold Rogue: Goldman/Goldmask
Grandpa: Kinniku Diaou
Hanzo: Hanzou
Jeager: Jade
Kid Muscle: Kinniku Mantaro/Kinnikuman Nesei
King Muscle: Kinniku Suguru/Kinnikuman
Lomeinman: Mongolianman
Lord Muscle/Lord Wrangler: Kinnikuman Great
Ninja Ned: The Ninja
Poseidon: Neptune King
Prince Lou Ow: Prince Kamehameha
Rogue Shogun: Akuma Shogun
Shivano: Ashuraman
Skullduggery: Kinkotsuman
Sosumi: Rikishiman/Wolfman
Starface: Pentagon
Street Scrapper: Kenkaman
Sunshine Supreme: Sunshine
Terry Kenyon: Terry The Kid
Vance McMadd: Harabote
Wally Tusket: Sieuchin

Play As Big Budo

Win tournament mode as Kevin Mask.

Play As Devil Buffaloman

Win the tag tournament as King Muscle and Mongolman.


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