Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

In late 1993, the United States launched dual military operations in Mogadishu Somalia. Delta Force Operatives and Army Rangers were sent in to capture Somali warlords and restore order. As a Delta Force operative, it's your mission to join daring and intense raids against the oppressive Somali warlords in and around Mogadishu. Get ready for an intense combat--in solo missions or online multiplayer battles--featuring an arsenal of heavy weapons, military vehicles, and helicopters.


Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

In late 1993, the United States launched dual military operations in Mogadishu Somalia. Delta Force Operatives and Army Rangers were sent in to capture Somali warlords and restore order. As a Delta Force operative, it's your mission to join daring and intense raids against the oppressive Somali warlords in and around Mogadishu. Get ready for an intense combat--in solo missions or online multiplayer battles--featuring an arsenal of heavy weapons, military vehicles, and helicopters.

Rebellion, NovaLogic
Action > Shooter > First-Person > Tactical
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Black Hawk Down mission

Take an assault soldier with a M16 M203 or carbine 15 M203. Shoot them at the top of the broken buildings. You may might kill snipers easily if they are up there.

Bronze Star: Get 1,000 kills

Combat Medical Badge: As a medic, save the lives of three teammates
Delta Cross: Get ten knife kills
Distinguished Service Cross: Get five hours of playing online
Headhunters Medal: Get five headshots
Hill Giant Medal: Get 10 minutes on Hill
Infantry Badge: Get 50 kills
Meritorious Service Medal: Win 10 out of 20 games
Purple Heart: Get saved five times by a Medic

CTF weapon strategies

Have a Satchel Charge or Clamore and Grenade Launcher or any other gun mode. When your are near your flag, put down one or two satchels or claymores around it. Then, camp out somewhere that is elevated. When some one steals your flag, either detonate the satchel or blow up the satchel or claymore using your grenade launcher or gun.

Easier medic saves

In Large Terrain, when going to save someone that is in the middle of nowhere with snipers everywhere, pull out your "syringe". Crouch, then run towards him. When you are near the person, run over him holding Fire. Keep circling him and you should have saved that person.

For Overload, get a spawn point and wait for some snipers to spawn. When they die, get on the ground and crawl to the soldier. By doing this you probably will not get killed. For Shadow Of Death, try to go to a spawn point with high hills. By doing this you cannot be seen. When a sniper dies, use the method described earlier and you should have some easy saves.

Easy completion of Mogadishu Mile mission

Once the mission starts, run in front of the last AAV. Jump on the front of it to get an easy ride to the end of the mission. By doing this, you will be on top of it when they speed up and will not have to catch up. This results in you completing the mission faster and easier.

Large explosion

When you get C4s, lay them down and get some more. When you blow the C4 up, you will get a huge explosion. The best place to do this is in training; when you run out, go back and get more from the weapon crate.

Paperwork mode (CTF)

With the Red team, when you have the flag you are faced with two options. You can go the safe way and probably get killed, or jump off the ledge and take the risk that you might get killed. If you jump off the ledge use the following trick. When you want to jump off the ledge, make sure you have your grenade options out. Jump onto the ledge, but not off it. Turn around then jump backwards. While you do this, throw a grenade then lay down. Chances are, you will kill someone with your grenade or no one may be there. Do this each time and you will capture the flags all the time. With the Blue team, when you come into the flags you will see a table with a hole in it. You can either lay down some claymores in the side entrances then snipe, or grab the flag and run. If you run, try to get some people to follow you and capture the flag.



Sideways gun and items

When you are near an ammo box, take out your binoculars. Keep them out, and when it tells you to switch weapons, press X. Switch to another gun and your gun should be sideways. Also, your secondary gun and item should be sideways.

Sniper rifle zooming

Hold R3 to zoom in to the maximum with the sniper rifle. Alternately, hold R + R3.



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