Dead or Alive 2
Cheat Codes/Hints
All Character's Costumes
Collect 200 stars in Survival Mode.
Ayane Costume 4
Complete Story Mode 5 times with Ayane OR once without continuing.
Ayane Costume 5
Earn 1.5 million points on survival mode or play as Ayane in Survial mode over 25 times.
Ayane Costume 6
Complete over 50 stages on Survival mode OR play survival mode over 50 Times playing as Ayane.
Ayane Costume 7
Complete the time attack in under 4:15 or play as Ayane over 200 times.
Ayane Costume 8
Get the Tiara Item in survival Modeor play as Ayane over 200 times.
Bass Costume 4
Complete story mode 5 times OR complete story mode once without continuing.
Bass Costume 5
Get the Championship belt in survival mode or play as Bass over 50 times.
Costume 3 for all characters
Complete Story Mode once with the character.
Deluxe Credits
Finish the game with every Character in Very Hard Mode.You can then view the Deluxe Version of the Credits. It contains new music,website banners and every DOA development team.