Champions: Return to Arms

Champions: Return to Arms
Champions: Return to Arms brings all the hack-and-slash gameplay from Champions of Norrath back to the PlayStation 2. This sequel offers unlimited battles, dangerous missions, and the ability to import characters from the original game. Experience more than 50 levels solo or with three other players, either offline or online. The more medals you earn, the more secret gameplay modes you unlock. Return to Arms offers a host of new monsters, races, items, and artifacts to keep you busy.
Champions: Return to Arms brings all the hack-and-slash gameplay from Champions of Norrath back to the PlayStation 2. This sequel offers unlimited battles, dangerous missions, and the ability to import characters from the original game. Experience more than 50 levels solo or with three other players, either offline or online. The more medals you earn, the more secret gameplay modes you unlock. Return to Arms offers a host of new monsters, races, items, and artifacts to keep you busy.
Champions: Return to Arms
Champions: Return to Arms brings all the hack-and-slash gameplay from Champions of Norrath back to the PlayStation 2. This sequel offers unlimited battles, dangerous missions, and the ability to import characters from the original game. Experience more than 50 levels solo or with three other players, either offline or online. The more medals you earn, the more secret gameplay modes you unlock. Return to Arms offers a host of new monsters, races, items, and artifacts to keep you busy.
Champions: Return to Arms brings all the hack-and-slash gameplay from Champions of Norrath back to the PlayStation 2. This sequel offers unlimited battles, dangerous missions, and the ability to import characters from the original game. Experience more than 50 levels solo or with three other players, either offline or online. The more medals you earn, the more secret gameplay modes you unlock. Return to Arms offers a host of new monsters, races, items, and artifacts to keep you busy.
Snowblind Studios, Sony Online Entertainment
Snowblind Studios
Role-Playing > Action RPG
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Cheat Codes/Hints
Berserker Axes Trick
Summoned Berserker axes can be augmented with an upgrade item and any axes of the same type summoned post-hence will be added to the stack, complete with the augmented effect. The effect will remain on the axe stack forever so long as not all of them are thrown.
Bull Figureine
The Bull Figureine can be found on the Gnome's Island that you will eventually have to go to, if you have not already. This boosts your stamana while it is in your inventory. It does not have to be equiped, it just has to be in your inventory.
Caves of Mt Grenidor
When you are sneaking around in the caves and you get discovered, instead of turning belly up just scroll back to Firiona Vie. Scroll back and when you get back the enemy that was chasing you will stand there like your not even there while you take off for the finish line. This works with one chasing you as well as one hundred.
Critical Hit
Whenever a character uses critical hit, any other player in the game will automatically have critical hit activated, even outside of the zone.
Note: This can only be done in multiplayer mode.
Double Drundar Locks
At the start of the game, if you choose to be on the evil side you'll end up at the city of Drundar. You'll need to find eight locks to access the arena where some bosses reside. There's a glitch that allows you to double the amount of locks you have found. Firstly you unlock some of the locks then save, and exit the game. When you next load your game you will have double the amount of locks on the lock counter than you previously had. Unlocking the rest of the locks will not affect your game (even though it will say you have unlocked more than 8 locks). This can only be done once.
Easy Dozekar Kill Glitch
For this glitch to work you need tons of arrows or mana potions, or a lot of patience. Run up to Dozekar until he breathes fire directly at you. Back step while gaurding until you get to a "Sweet Spot". this is where Dozekar will continue to breathe fire at you, but you are at a distance where it doesnt hit you and you dont need to block. Without moving, you can just unload arrows, axes, or magic into him until he dies.
Faster movement for Shaman
When you get the giant growth, cast it and save your game. When you exit and load you will be able to move just as fast but you will be normal size.
Fight Mithaniel Marr or Cazic-Thule
First, you need to have beaten the game, this works on any difficulty. Depending on which side you chose will determine which boss you will be fighting over and over again. Now for what you have to do. Enter Plane of Tranquility (evil) or Plane of Fear (good), fight the boss determined by your side. Once the boss is defeated, you can loot all the armor or gear dropped off by him. After they have died, click the "start" button, then click "End this mission." When the Planar viewer is brought up, select Plane of Nightmares. Wait for Plane of Nightmares to load up, once it has loaded, click "start" again and select "End this mission" again. When Planar Viewer pops up again, select Plane of Tranquility or Plane of Fear. When the area loads, you will see it has refreshed, and the boss will be there again, you will be able to kill them and repeat.
Health bonus gems and mana bonus gems do not work. This includes items with man/health bonuses. Also, the wizard’s weapon abilities have a glitch that can remove enchantments. For example: if you have a staff with a cold gem in it, and you use the spell 'cold weapons' on characters with other enchantments, When the spell wears off they will lose their original enchantment.
Hidden Tomb
While playing the forest of Norrack on mission mode, enter the caves and search through the jars until you find the archeologists shovel. Then complete the level and move on to the forest of nightmares stage and find the spiritual incantations scroll in the dungeons. Then go back to the forest of Norrack (You might want to complete the nightmare stage first or your data for the level will be erased) and enter the hidden tomb to the left of the caves (now that you have the shovel) and use the spell to open the sealed door to later face "tomb robber" the secret boss.