Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest

Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest

Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest

Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest (PlayStation 2). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Act 1: Defeating the head Goblin

When in in the goblin cave, to defeat the head goblin kill all goblins except for him. Run around him to get him to follow you. Then, go to the center part. Run away to the outer edge. If done correctly, he should get stuck. Shoot arrows at him until he is dead.

Act 2: Defeating the Queen Mammothant

When in the ant hill, run past all Mammothants until you reach the portal opening. Leave, save the game, then go back and fight the ants that followed. Then fight the queen, but before you attack her kill all of her servants. They will get in the way. Throw poison potions at her and if you are playing a Shadow Knight, use a level 5 Disease Bolt. Slow her down and attack with a fire weapon She should die easily. To kill the Queen Mammothant very easily, when you walk in the room where you fight her, do not move from the middle. Block her attacks when she does; she has an easy to follow pattern. When she goes away, the ants still will not appear and you will be able to shoot her with arrows. After you defeat her, kill the rest of the ants by slowly moving or they will all attack you at the same time.

Alternate exploit

Utilizing the save method, you can effectively farm cash and items through item duplication. Drop the item on the ground you want duplicated from your map reference save and then import your character. Pick up the item and you now have 2, update your map reference save and then drop both items now. Import your character and pick up both items and you now have 4 of this item. This growth is exponential and over time will amount to insane amounts of cash if your selling, or you can duplicate your favorite weapon to dual wield, or just duplicate augmentations to slot into your armor.

Class Descriptions

If you're just getting into your new EverQuest journey, here are some tips to keep in mind concerning the five character classes.

Barbarian: Barbarians are the tanks of Norrath, and excel at melee combat, specializing in weapons and armor. Unfortunately, barbarians do not recover mana automatically.

Ranger: Relying on their bow skills, rangers specialize in long range attacks and mana usage. They also have some spell casting abilities, but are more focused on their archery.

Wizard: Wizards are very dependent on mana, and it shows in their attacks. Based on the elements, their magic attacks are to be used to keep them out of harm's way, as wizards are vulnerable in close combat.

Cleric: If used correctly, clerics can offer support by way of healing spells. And while they do not excel at combat, they still possess limited weapon use--blunt weapons onlys.

Shadow Knight: Using a range of evil spells, this class can attack with poison, and summon monsters to help in the attack. They can also use melee attacks, though not nearly as effectively as barbarians.

Defeating Bosses

When playing in single player mode, make a duplicate of yourself to distract the Boss. The boss will attack your copy and not your original character.


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