Ape Escape 2

Ape Escape 2

Ape Escape 2

What do you get when you combine 300 monkeys with one little mix-up? Discover the mayhem as the Specter, an evil monkey, leads troops of riotous monkeys in a revolution. You must chase down each monkey and stop its plans for world domination by using a variety of wild gadgets, vehicles, and unlockable items. In Ape Escape 2, you can capture monkeys around the world, explore new environments, and play through several new minigames.


Ape Escape 2

What do you get when you combine 300 monkeys with one little mix-up? Discover the mayhem as the Specter, an evil monkey, leads troops of riotous monkeys in a revolution. You must chase down each monkey and stop its plans for world domination by using a variety of wild gadgets, vehicles, and unlockable items. In Ape Escape 2, you can capture monkeys around the world, explore new environments, and play through several new minigames.

SCE Japan Studio, Ubisoft
SCE Japan Studio
Action > Platformer > 3D
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
16:9 Support, Dual Shock, Memory Card, Vibration
Media Size
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Dance With Pink Monkey

You can use the Pink Monkey as an alternative character in the mini-game Dance Monkey Dance. You recieve her randomly from the gotcha box. It is not known whether you have to complete certain stages in the game before she appears as she VERY rarely appears and can take four thousand gold coins and up to get. It is, however, a guarantee that you will have most (if not all) of the gotcha box items before she appears.

Easy 999 Coins

On your second time through the game, go to Simian Citadel and track down the magician monkey, Tommy, who hangs out by the fountain. Don't net him! Instead, let him summon his mouse thieves, and let them steal some of your money. When you hit them and they drop your coins, there will often be enough floating around to trigger the multipliers, turning the single coins that they stole into x 5 and x 10 coins. Grab them and you'll have way more money than you started with. Since Tommy will always supply more thieves, you can do this over and over until you've maxed out your coinage.

Fast and big money

Go to cazino city. Destroy all machines and you will find a rat. Let rat rob all your money and wenn he colect all money, kill him. You will get some 300 coins. It's fast money!

Get a different monkey net

When playing as Spike, push select to go to the gadget select screen. Then select the monkey net. Push R1 when the net is selected. You should hear a sound. Get out the gadget select screen and then select the monkey net. You now have a water net while on the ground. Fire a net by pushing the right control stick button.


Clear these certain stages to unlock these minigames from the Gotcha Box.

How to Unlock
Dance Monkey Dance
Clear Ninja Hideout.
Monkey Climber
Clear The Lost Valley.
Monkey Soccer
Clear Enter The Monkey.


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