Arc the Lad: End of Darkness

Arc the Lad: End of Darkness

Arc the Lad: End of Darkness

Edda is a young man whose youth is marked by a boring island life, but whose serenity is shattered when he meets a mysterious young woman named Kirika on the beach. He soon realizes his skill as an exorcist and becomes a hunter, weaving a remarkable journey that will ultimately pit civilization against nature.


Arc the Lad: End of Darkness

Edda is a young man whose youth is marked by a boring island life, but whose serenity is shattered when he meets a mysterious young woman named Kirika on the beach. He soon realizes his skill as an exorcist and becomes a hunter, weaving a remarkable journey that will ultimately pit civilization against nature.

Cattle Call, Namco
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Better Than Cure

Once you become a apprentice, make sure to have two Cures and four Magical Stones. Both can be bought in town of Yewbell for 200 gold each. Synthesize the Cure and Magical Stone to make Cure 2. Then, use Cure 2 and a Magical Stone to make Cure 3. Once you have done this, put the Cure 3s together to make Healing Card. The Healing Card will refill your HP at a rate of 10 every three seconds without wasting your card points. This will make the capture missions very easy, because you will be able to heal yourself just by moving to someplace where you will not get attacked for a bit. Also make sure that you use the Magic Expert to make the Cures and the Special Parts expert to make the Healing Card. Also, once you find a Universal Cloth, synthesize it with the Healing Card to make Healing Pygmy. It will heal 10 HP every two seconds. You can also make the Healing Card and then sell it repeatedly to make a profit of 300 gold each time.

Unlock Lillia Card

When the game starts you can upload Arc The Lad Twighlight of spirits clear data, when you do this it gives you the Lillia card which can later be processed into the character Lillia.



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