Ace Combat: Distant Thunder
Ace Combat: Distant Thunder
Ace Combat: Distant Thunder
Cheat Codes/Hints
Different Plane On Introduction Clip
You know how you get the F-22 on the introduction clip after the screen that says ace combat distant thunder, well you can change that. After you have completed the game, go to free mission mode and choose the plane you want, get it up on screen for about 4 seconds, then go back to the blue screen that says ac distant thunder, wait and there you go.
When in a dogfight, there are some things you can do to help. First, do not go after the Yellows. Also, choose a plane that does well in air to air attacks. Use the machine gun if the target is close. Do not waste your missiles, as there may be a surprise during the mission (as in the Shattered Skies level). In this level, after the time is up and you have enough points, six B2 bombers appear. Finally, Do not stay too low. You must to learn how to control every aspect of your fighter. One thing you must do is learn how to use your airbrakes. Mastering the use of this will help you swing the tail end of your jet around and get behind your enemy faster. Also, learn how to do is maneuver at high speeds, close to the ground. This not only helps evade missiles (which will crash harmlessly into the ground), but in multi-player mode when your playing someone who is not proficient at flying low. Even in close range, if you have a straight lock, use it. If you definitely know that the enemy will not move in time, taking them down with a missile is faster and more efficient than using guns. Besides, you can reload at any point in the mission. Finally, use your radar to its full advantage, watching for enemies not only behind you, but on your left and right as well. If you know they are coming, then the attacks they send can be easily avoided and have no effect on your fighting. Mastering these things are the main ways to become a top ace at dogfighting.
Easier ground battle
The best way to destroy multiple ground targets is to fly the F-15 Active using the FREB (fuel - air explosive bomb). This will destroy about six to ten targets if they are close together.
Easier X-02s
There is an easier way to get the three X-02s rather than going through the entire game. After the game is completed, the "Free Mission" option will be unlocked. Select this option and choose a difficulty setting (normal for the gray X-02, hard for the black X-02, or expert for the silver X-02). Select any mission to play on that difficulty setting. If you get an "S" rank on all the missions, the X-02 becomes available. This allows you to skip all of the missions you got an "S" on when you went through the full game. For example, if you got an "S" on all but three missions, you only have to play those missions instead of the entire game.
Easy "Yellow" kills
Use the following trick to kill the Yellows during the final missions. First, acquire the SU-37. Then, go into battle with the QAAM (the SU-37's default weapon) equipped. When you engage a Yellow, immediately lock-on and fire a QAAM at him. This weapon will travel to the ends of the earth to hunt down its target. Even if it takes five minutes, the missile is 99% likely to hit the Yellow. With an average of five Yellows a mission (except the last one), they will be easy. This trick also works with other airborne targets. Note: You may not always hear the Yellows say that they have been shot down. Sometimes you will hear AWACS or a friendly say "A Yellows hit and trailing smoke. Whose kill was that?"
Easy kills
The best way to kill is to get in the cockpit view and go to work. When done correctly the kill will happen much faster and you will save missiles. If done in the HUD view or where you can see the entire plane, then chances are you will waste several missiles trying to kill enemies. Also use your bullets wisely to cut off paths of escape; this will assist you further. When on a mission and are "dog-fighting" in air-to-air combat, press Circle(2 ). When you do this, you will fire two missiles at the same time. This destroys your target immediately with two shots, rather than hitting it only once and still having the risk of it shooting you and your allies. While dogfighting in air-to-air combat, switch to the cockpit view. Lock on to your nearest enemy and fire a missile. Immediately after you fire the missile, shoot your guns. However, instead of hitting the enemy fighter, aim for the air in front and around it. The enemy fighter will try to dodge the bullets, thus steering into the missile's path.
Evading AA gunfire
Barrel roll and you will only get hit with one or two bullets maximum. Note: This trick is especially useful in Ace mode, when a good round of bullets can get you killed.
Evading SAMs
In order to successfully evade a SAM, fly directly at it at full speed. If you feel the engagement is not good, then break off. However, do not break off until you have tried at least once. If it works, you will pass over it and any missile fired will miss you. When you pass over the SAM, hit the brakes, turn sharply, and head at it again, but this time fire. Pass the SAM at about 100 feet.
Fly Erusian planes
After you have shot down an ace on a level, highlight the plane that he was flying in the hangar. Press Down after you have acquired or purchased the color. If it is the correct paint job, you will see the letters IF.I.A.IF. somewhere on the plane. The SU-37 has Yellow 13's paint job, the X-02 is white, since there is not an Erusian version. Also, the F-14 does not have the letters F.E.A.F., but has the Erusian symbol (an orange triangle with a white circle inside).
Fly with missile
Play in free flight mode with a fast jet. Flip on the afterburners and fly up at a 45 degree angle. Get up to about 47,000 ft. When you get up to 1120 mph, do a vertical nose dive with the afterburners still on. Continue in the dive until you get down to 15,000 feet and level off. If you got your speed up to at least 1375 mph, switch the view to behind the plane and fire a missile. If you are flying fast enough, you should see the missile flying along side your plane.