Daily Cryptogram 2011
Aurora Software Presents:DailyCryptogram 2010=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Now for both Outlook and Palm Desktop users!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=All work and no play makes Jack?s brain cells fade away....Everyone needs a break now and then. Taking a break from the stresses of work canrejuvenate the brain, allowing you to more efficiently move onto the next taskthat your boss tosses your way. Periodic breaks can actually make you a more productiveemployee.With the Daily Cryptogram you can put your computer and/orPDA to work for your brain cells instead of against them. Once loaded, it will...
Aurora Software Presents:DailyCryptogram 2010=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Now for both Outlook and Palm Desktop users!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=All work and no play makes Jack?s brain cells fade away....Everyone needs a break now and then. Taking a break from the stresses of work canrejuvenate the brain, allowing you to more efficiently move onto the next taskthat your boss tosses your way. Periodic breaks can actually make you a more productiveemployee.With the Daily Cryptogram you can put your computer and/orPDA to work for your brain cells instead of against them. Once loaded, it will provide you with aninstant diversion when you mind starts to become overloaded with the day`sstresses. Anytime you want or need, youcan take two minutes for a mental diversion; two minutes to concentrate onsomething fun and unrelated to work. Each Daily Cryptogram is a famous quotation where eachletter has been replaced with another unique letter throughout the entirepuzzle. You need to use letterfrequencies and common word patterns to deduce the original quote.Here is an example (the answer is given below):Adatltadfqohefcxtl egax naawn hf adfia hztaa nhxyan fv taxshefc. Hzal wxl ma nowwag or ml hza rztxnan: (1)Eh'n sfwrqahaql ewrfnnemqa -- gfc'h pxnha wl hewa; (2) Eh'n rfnnemqa, moh eh'n cfh pfthz gfecy; (3) E nxeg eh pxn xyffg egax xqq xqfcy.~ Xthzot S.SqxtiaOnce you purchase this file and load it onto your computerand/or PDA you will have a full years worth of Cryptogram Puzzles. Each puzzle is presented as a single ?AllDay Event? in Microsoft Outlook or the Palm Desktop programs. Just click on the event to see the puzzle,and scroll down once you are ready to see the answer. This data file is compatible with both Microsoft Outlook andthe Palm Desktop programs. It will alsowork with any PDA that can automatically synchronize with one of theseprograms.Your mind can have instant break, any time you need it, every day of the year.Now here is the answer to the above puzzle:Everyrevolutionary idea seems to evoke three stages of reaction. They may be summed up by the phrases: (1)It's completely impossible -- don't waste my time; (2) It's possible, but it's not worth doing; (3) I said it was agood idea all along.~ Arthur C.Clarke