A serene, mystical journey that traverses a series of otherworldly, organic landscapes, Fujii is a respite for weary travelers. The experience flows between an outdoor narrative journey and creative gardening, merging aspects of adventure and cultivation into a refreshing, musically enveloping whole.Hike through three diverse biomes, collecting seeds and exploring their enchanting flora and fauna. Collect seeds and grow vivid, surreal plantscapes, cultivating your own unique home garden. Relax in your garden with your companion gnome, and introduce critters and insect life sourced from the...
A serene, mystical journey that traverses a series of otherworldly, organic landscapes, Fujii is a respite for weary travelers. The experience flows between an outdoor narrative journey and creative gardening, merging aspects of adventure and cultivation into a refreshing, musically enveloping whole.Hike through three diverse biomes, collecting seeds and exploring their enchanting flora and fauna. Collect seeds and grow vivid, surreal plantscapes, cultivating your own unique home garden. Relax in your garden with your companion gnome, and introduce critters and insect life sourced from the wild