Big Apple crime is rotten to the core. Now, there's only one way to keep the peace. The way of the Ninja! Introducing the deadliest fighting skills the game world has ever seen! Ten awesome powers, including: Art of Invisibility. Disappear and become invulnerable to attack. Art of Fire Ring: incinerate enemies caught in your deadly ring of fire. Art of Teleportation: Freeze time to reposition yourself and surprise attackers.
Big Apple crime is rotten to the core. Now, there's only one way to keep the peace. The way of the Ninja! Introducing the deadliest fighting skills the game world has ever seen! Ten awesome powers, including: Art of Invisibility. Disappear and become invulnerable to attack. Art of Fire Ring: incinerate enemies caught in your deadly ring of fire. Art of Teleportation: Freeze time to reposition yourself and surprise attackers.
Wrath of the Black Manta
Big Apple crime is rotten to the core. Now, there's only one way to keep the peace. The way of the Ninja! Introducing the deadliest fighting skills the game world has ever seen! Ten awesome powers, including: Art of Invisibility. Disappear and become invulnerable to attack. Art of Fire Ring: incinerate enemies caught in your deadly ring of fire. Art of Teleportation: Freeze time to reposition yourself and surprise attackers.
Big Apple crime is rotten to the core. Now, there's only one way to keep the peace. The way of the Ninja! Introducing the deadliest fighting skills the game world has ever seen! Ten awesome powers, including: Art of Invisibility. Disappear and become invulnerable to attack. Art of Fire Ring: incinerate enemies caught in your deadly ring of fire. Art of Teleportation: Freeze time to reposition yourself and surprise attackers.
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