Wizards And Warriors 2: Ironsword

Wizards And Warriors 2: Ironsword

Wizards And Warriors 2: Ironsword

Wizards And Warriors 2: Ironsword


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Wizards And Warriors 2: Ironsword (NES). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Extra life

Get to the point where you only have one life remaining. Get the current password, the change the fifth character of that password to "J". Use that password to resume the game with two lives remaining.

Glitch: Retain magic

You can retain your magic between stages. When you reach the room with the piece of the Ironsword, stand with your back up against the right door leading on, then jump and shoot the Ironsword piece. Make sure you land on the door. In the next stage, you will still have your "anti-elemental" spell. Note: It becomes infinite this way. In other words, if you have for example the Windbane in the woods, you can fire it until you use it up and it will refill itself.

Have the Shield

Enter WBTRLZPBDPZW as a password.

Hint: Defeating elementals

On IceFire Mountain, to have an easier time fighting all of the elementals, go up the middle mountain until you see the elementals' energy meters fill up (with tiny blue bars). Quickly go down to the lowest right corner of the stage and stand on the flat ground. By doing this, only one elemental at a time will attack you. Also, make sure you have Silver Fleece, but save it for the wind elemental, as he is the most stubborn and aggressive. He really knocks you around when you hit him.

Hint: Getting hard-to-reach items

You can use your spells (Windbane, Blightwater, Firesmite and Earthscorch) to obtain certain hard-to-reach items. In the woods, go up to the right-uppermost part of the trees. Jump over towards the location of the golden fly and fire the Windbane. You do not have to waste a key on the Waterspout spell.

In the volcano level, you can use the windbane or the Blightwater to get the golden crown. Go into the bottom door of the room with the golden crown (the door you come out of if you do not make the jump to slide down and obtain it). Face to the right and fire your spell to get the golden crown. Again, this conserves a key, and is much easier than trying to jump over to get it.


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