Wizards & Warriors

Wizards & Warriors

Wizards & Warriors

You are Kuros, the knight warrior, hero of the Books of Excalibur. Your journey begins deep within the woods of Elrond, where even the wind obeys the Supreme Wizard, Malkil. A wizard so great, Merlin calls him teacher. But Malkil has strayed from the path, and is now part of the dark side. Buried within the catacombs and dungeons of Elrond lies the key to your quest. The powers of levitation, the cloak of darkness, and the mysterious potions only Kuros can drink will be revealed to you. In caverns of fire, through demons that fly and crawl, against the soldiers of the undead you must...


Wizards & Warriors

You are Kuros, the knight warrior, hero of the Books of Excalibur. Your journey begins deep within the woods of Elrond, where even the wind obeys the Supreme Wizard, Malkil. A wizard so great, Merlin calls him teacher. But Malkil has strayed from the path, and is now part of the dark side. Buried within the catacombs and dungeons of Elrond lies the key to your quest. The powers of levitation, the cloak of darkness, and the mysterious potions only Kuros can drink will be revealed to you. In caverns of fire, through demons that fly and crawl, against the soldiers of the undead you must...

Rare Ltd., Acclaim
Rare Ltd.
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)

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Cheat Codes/Hints

Invincibility when fighting a boss

This glitch works when fighting all bosses except the first and the last one. First, when in the stage of a boss, go to the far left of the area. Then, just barely tap the right button so that you just turn around(if you move any except for just turning around, this glitch will not work). Once you have turned around, use the potion of levitation to float. While you are floating in this spot, you will be completely invincible and can attack by using the dagger/axe.

More Gems

When you get to level two, use the Red Key to enter through the Red Door. Go all the way up and you'll find a gem block. Hit a maximum of five gems out of it and get them. Then go left and fall all the way to the bottom. Go back up and repeat this procedure to get more and more gems.


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