


Unbelievable! Someone created the most complicated locks in the world! Captain Red-Hat Jack was assigned to grab the enemy's defense information center's distribution plan. But first he must overcome the series of complex locks to achieve his assignment. So time, intelligence, nerves, and excitement will come with Jack during the spy's war. Do you think he will finish the impossible mission? The answer is "You better help Jack succeed in his mission!"



Unbelievable! Someone created the most complicated locks in the world! Captain Red-Hat Jack was assigned to grab the enemy's defense information center's distribution plan. But first he must overcome the series of complex locks to achieve his assignment. So time, intelligence, nerves, and excitement will come with Jack during the spy's war. Do you think he will finish the impossible mission? The answer is "You better help Jack succeed in his mission!"

Thin Chen Enterprises, Sachen
Thin Chen Enterprises
Action > General

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Hidden Copyright Screen

At the title screen press A, B, B, Select, A, B, Select, B, A, and Select.

Level/Difficulty Select

At the first screen after you press Start to begin the game, when you're told what level you're on and how many lives you have left, hold down A, B, and Select. As long as these buttons are held, pressing up or down will increase or decrease the level you're on, while pressing left or right will decrease or increase the game's difficulty.

Hold A, B, and Select, then press up/down for level change and left/right for difficulty change
Level/Difficulty Select


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