Lone Ranger, The

Lone Ranger, The

Lone Ranger, The

Evil arch villain Butch Cavendish has been a burr on your saddle ever since he did in your dad. Now he's kidnapped the President just to lure you to your doom, and there's nothing but a trail of doom between you. In fact, kemosabe, there's eight wild west stages of pistol packin' danger to run, shoot, and gallop through, including first person 3-D stages that put peril in a whole new perspective. So hop on your fiery horse Silver, track down that cad Cavendish, and rescue the President. Or with the speed of light and a cloud of dust you'll wind up a mere tumbleweed in time!


Lone Ranger, The

Evil arch villain Butch Cavendish has been a burr on your saddle ever since he did in your dad. Now he's kidnapped the President just to lure you to your doom, and there's nothing but a trail of doom between you. In fact, kemosabe, there's eight wild west stages of pistol packin' danger to run, shoot, and gallop through, including first person 3-D stages that put peril in a whole new perspective. So hop on your fiery horse Silver, track down that cad Cavendish, and rescue the President. Or with the speed of light and a cloud of dust you'll wind up a mere tumbleweed in time!

Action Adventure > Open-World
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Super Cheat Password

Type in /0810 7830 3251 2/ at the password screen (note that the last 3 spaces on the code should remain blank). You will get a level select, $9.999,10 sticks on TNT, a long-barrel Gun, 50 rounds of regular bullets and 50 rounds of silver bullets.


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