Hanjuku Hero

Hanjuku Hero

Hanjuku Hero

Hanjuku Hero is a Strategy game, developed by Bits Laboratory and published by SquareSoft, which was released in Japan in 1988.


Hanjuku Hero

Hanjuku Hero is a Strategy game, developed by Bits Laboratory and published by SquareSoft, which was released in Japan in 1988.

Bits Laboratory, SquareSoft
Bits Laboratory
Strategy > General
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Increase Time Speed

Begin by entering the Sound Test code - however, press Right, not Down, at the end of the cheat. Time will increase much, much faster.

Sound Test

At the title screen, on controller 2, hold A and keep holding. Hold B, then release B, then hold B again. Release A, then hold A again. Release B, then hold B again. Release A, then hold Right. Finally, release both Right and B. Now you can press the directional pad on controller 2 to hear the music or sound effects.


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