Hell Fighter
In the dark and cold Hades, here lives an ambitious Satan, who is anxious and intends to control all of humankind. He has no way to achieve this horrible plan until the Devil Crystal Ball is in his hands. On the day the Devil Crystal Ball fell, the world changed. With the evil power of the Crystal Ball, Satan thrust the world into chaos. In this critical moment, a wise old man has found someone skilled in the ways of Chinese kung fu. The old man taught him an uncanny power in order to save the world. Finally, the brave young hero is on his way to destroy Satan and the devils!
In the dark and cold Hades, here lives an ambitious Satan, who is anxious and intends to control all of humankind. He has no way to achieve this horrible plan until the Devil Crystal Ball is in his hands. On the day the Devil Crystal Ball fell, the world changed. With the evil power of the Crystal Ball, Satan thrust the world into chaos. In this critical moment, a wise old man has found someone skilled in the ways of Chinese kung fu. The old man taught him an uncanny power in order to save the world. Finally, the brave young hero is on his way to destroy Satan and the devils!
Hidden Kanji Message
After the game starts, while the "Sachen" logo animation is in progress, press and hold A + B + Select on Controller 1 and A + B on Controller 2 at the same time. Continue holding these buttons until the logo is standing still. Release all the buttons except Select on Controller 1, and while holding it press A, B on Controller 1, A, B on Controller 2, and Up, Left, Down, Right, Start, Start, Start, Start, Start, Start, Start, Start, Start, Start on Controller 1 again, then press any other button.
Level Restart
During gameplay, hold A + B on Controller 2, then press Reset to restart the current level from the beginning. Note that the default value of lives is 5 in this case and rapid fire is on.