Alien Syndrome

Alien Syndrome

Alien Syndrome

The extra-terrestrials in this game are anything but friendly. They're slimy monsters that are holding space colonists captive aboard seven alien starships.For one or two players, this super action game challenges you to free the helpless hostages. Search each ship's deadly levels, using flamethrowers and laser cannons to vaporize alien scum. Look for maps to help you find your way.After you've saved all the captives from one ship, you must destroy its powerful leader before you can move on to the next ship. Remember, to the aliens, you're slime. And they want you good... and dead!


Alien Syndrome

The extra-terrestrials in this game are anything but friendly. They're slimy monsters that are holding space colonists captive aboard seven alien starships.For one or two players, this super action game challenges you to free the helpless hostages. Search each ship's deadly levels, using flamethrowers and laser cannons to vaporize alien scum. Look for maps to help you find your way.After you've saved all the captives from one ship, you must destroy its powerful leader before you can move on to the next ship. Remember, to the aliens, you're slime. And they want you good... and dead!

Sanritsu, Tengen
Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Top-Down
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Level select

Press Down + Start on controller one and Right on controller two simultaneously.

Level Select

At the main screen, press Down and Start on the first controller, And press right simultaneously on the second one. Note that this only works for two players.

Steal Lives

In a two player game the player that dies first can steal lives from the other player. To do so, press A and B simultaneously.

Wanted Weapon

When playing a two-player game, if you come across a weapon that both of the players want, have them both touch the weapon at the same time. You'll both get it.


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