Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina

Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina

Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina

As a young boy, Link is tricked by Ganondorf, the King of the Gerudo Thieves. The evil human uses Link to gain access to the Sacred Realm, where he places his tainted hands on Triforce and transforms the beautiful Hyrulean landscape into a barren wasteland. Link is determined to fix the problems he helped to create, so with the help of Rauru he travels through time gathering the powers of the Seven Sages.


Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina

As a young boy, Link is tricked by Ganondorf, the King of the Gerudo Thieves. The evil human uses Link to gain access to the Sacred Realm, where he places his tainted hands on Triforce and transforms the beautiful Hyrulean landscape into a barren wasteland. Link is determined to fix the problems he helped to create, so with the help of Rauru he travels through time gathering the powers of the Seven Sages.

Action Adventure > Open-World
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Bomb Bag Upgrades

You can upgrade your bomb carrying capacity twice. To get the first, you must go to Goron City. Find the Goron that's rolling around the city in a loop, and detonate a bomb near enough to make him stop. To get the second, you must beat the Bombchu Bowling Alley in Castle Town. Since the prizes for winning are randomized, you'll have to keep beating the challenge until you win the upgrade.

How to Unlock
Bomb Bag Upgrade #1
Detonate a bomb near the Goron rolling loops around Goron City.
Bomb Bag Upgrade #2
Beat the Bombchu Bowling Alley until the upgrade randomly unlocks.

Bunny Hood At Night

If you have to cross Hyrule Field at night, equip the Bunny Hood. As long as you have it on, the Stalchildren won't appear.

Butterfly Fairies

If you touch a butterfly with a Deku Stick, it'll transform into a fairy.

Debug/Error Mode

NOTE: There is always a possibility your game data can be corrupted, so do this at your own risk!

Start a game in the Temple of Time, then gently and SLOWLY pull up on the left side of the game cartridge. If you do it slow enough, the computer will become lagged, Link will jump all over the screen, and the sound will become very corrupted. If you let this happen for a few seconds, the N64's processor will become lagged and the game will lock up; there's going to be a small yellow bar that will appear in the top-left of the screen. When you get the small yellow bar to appear, there are some commands that you need to input on the controller to get the "debug" code to appear on the screen. This will also show the time and date that your particular game was made. Enter these button combos to make the code appear onscreen:

1: L + R + Z
2: Control Pad Up + C-Down
3: C-Up + Control Pad Down
4: Control Pad Left + C-Left
5: C-Right + Control Pad Right
6: A + B + Start

The debug/error code won't be shown unless you push each button listed. Example: in the first step, you must push the Z button while HOLDING the L and R buttons.

Deku Nut Upgrades

You can upgrade your Deku Nut carrying capacity twice. Both upgrades are located in the Lost Woods. The first upgrade can be purchased for 40 rupees from a Business Scrub hidden in the underground grotto near the Sacred Forest Meadow. The second can be obtained by equipping the Mask of Truth and speaking to the Deku Scrub on the far right side of the Forest Stage. Note that due to a glitch, this second upgrade must be obtained before acquiring the Poacher's Saw.

How to Unlock
Deku Nut Upgrade #1
Talk to the Business Scrub in the underground grotto near the Sacred Forest Meadow.
Deku Nut Upgrade #2
Talk to the Deku Scrub in the Forest Stage while wearing the Mask of Truth.

Deku Seed Upgrades

You can upgrade your Slingshot ammunition carrying capacity twice. The first upgrade is located in the Lost Woods. If you turn right into the first grove, you'll see a target hanging from a tree. Get three perfect bulls-eyes in a row, and a Deku Scrub will appear and reward you. The second upgrade is in Castle Town. If you get a perfect score at the Shooting Gallery, you'll be given another upgrade. Note that these can be acquired in either order.

How to Unlock
Deku Seed Upgrade #1
Get three bulls-eyes in a row on the target in the Lost Woods.
Deku Seed Upgrade #2
Get a perfect score at the Castle Town Shooting Gallery.

Elemental Arrows

How to Unlock
Fire Arrow
Shoot the sun after the Water Temple
Ice Arrow
Complete the Gerudo Training Ground
Light Arrow
Beat all the temples, then talk to Shiek

Flipping Tektites

If you're having trouble with Tektites, try hitting the ground with the Megaton Hammer instead. If the shockwave connects, the Tektites will flip over on their backs, leaving them wide open to be killed.

Force The Poe Sisters To Reappear

When you encounter the Poe Sisters, they'll disappear like normal Poes if you try to Z-Target them. If you throw a Deku Nut, however, they'll be forced to reappear and leave themselves wide open.

Free Hylian Shield

When you're a kid you can get the Hylian Sheild for free instead of wasting 80 rupees. First go to the graveyard in Kakariko village and wait for night. Then pull the tombstones that have flowers in front of them back and go down their holes. When You find the right one it will have a treasure chest inside. Inside that is the Hylian Shield.



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