San Francisco Rush

San Francisco Rush

San Francisco Rush

San Francisco Rush

Atari Games
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for San Francisco Rush (Nintendo 64). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Alcatraz-Track 7

Follow these(well...sort of)simple directions and you will be soaring over the prison cells of Alcatraz in no time!Bonitez try this trick many,many,many times,so just read carefully!

Note(from me...Bonitez):If you have a circuit completed and saved on the memory pak,you can bypass the codes below and skip to the four steps to obtain the secret track.

First,finish a circuit.To save time and skip to the end of a circuit just enter this code and you will get the F1 car and be able to get the track.Once you've entered the code go to "Circuit"and continue the circuit,but die(let the time run out).

Here's the code to winning a circuit.

Note(from me...Bonitez):Japanese cartridges need this alternative code.


Once you've done the code go to "Circuit"and conti let the time run out like I said above.After it congrats you with the F1 you may get started.

Note(from me...Bonitez)To move between the car select screen,the track screen and the "Setup" screen,use A&B.

1.On car select screen:Hold C-left,press Z,release both and press left.
2.On setup screen:Hold C-up,press Z,release both and press up.
3.On track select screen:Hold C-right,press Z,release both and press right.
4.On car select screen:Hold C-down,press Z,release both,press down,L,R.

And voila-you're Alcatraz bound.

If you have a memory pak you can save Alcatraz-Track 7.

Blown up car drivin'

At the car select screen hold c-up and press z,z,z,z This will allow you to drive a blown up car. Works on one player only and the flames can get in the way. Good for a laugh though.


Burnt car- Hold top c and press z four times this will make your car burnt
and it will still go. Reapeat to change back.

Disable car collisions

Press left then holding right on the d-pad and press c>,then release both and press c^,c

Drive a blown up car

There are two different blown up cars, one isn't blown up at all, it's just all messed up and looks like the blown up one, the other is blown up and there are flames coming out of it. Here's how you do it. On the car selection screen HOLD Z then press C UP FOUR times. Do it again, you'll get the messed up one.


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