Super Robot Spirits

Super Robot Spirits

Super Robot Spirits

Super Robot Spirits is an Action game, developed by Vertex and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1998.


Super Robot Spirits

Super Robot Spirits is an Action game, developed by Vertex and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1998.

Vertex, Banpresto
Action > Fighting > 3D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

All characters

Quickly press L(9), R(7), Z, C-Down(10), C-Right(5) at the opening screen before the Banpresto logo disappears.

All characters

Quickly press L(9), R(7), Z, C-Down(10), C-Right(5) at the opening screen before the Banpresto logo disappears.

All Characters Unlocked

Before the Banpresto message dissappears, enter the following:

L x 9, R x 7, Z, Down-C x 10, Right-C x 5

Alternate Dunbine and Walker Galliam costumes

Accumulate at least fifty hours of game play. Then, highlight Dunbine or Walker Galliam on the character selection screen and press Start.

Alternate Dunbine and Walker Galliam costumes

Play for at least 50 hours. Then, highlight Dunbine or Walker Galliam on the character selection screen and
press Start.


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