NFL Blitz 2000

NFL Blitz 2000

NFL Blitz 2000

It's back and it's better than ever! NFL Blitz 2000 adds 4-player support, new offensive and defensive plays, realistic weather conditions, new stadiums and a Tournament mode! Customize offensive and defensive plays to your liking. Call audibles at the line of scrimmage. You've got control now! Passing made easy with new "Blitz Passing" for one-touch long bombs! "ON-FIRE" mode gives super power performance to your players! With non-stop action and a "pick-it-up-and-play" learning curve, NFL BLITZ 2000 is THE game for every football fan!


NFL Blitz 2000

It's back and it's better than ever! NFL Blitz 2000 adds 4-player support, new offensive and defensive plays, realistic weather conditions, new stadiums and a Tournament mode! Customize offensive and defensive plays to your liking. Call audibles at the line of scrimmage. You've got control now! Passing made easy with new "Blitz Passing" for one-touch long bombs! "ON-FIRE" mode gives super power performance to your players! With non-stop action and a "pick-it-up-and-play" learning curve, NFL BLITZ 2000 is THE game for every football fan!

Sports > Team > Football > Arcade
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Bonus Players

To play with bonus players, enter one or more of the following codes at the Enter Initials screen.

7761 - Beth
0526 - Billz
0818 - Brian
0604 - Daniel
6969 - Dbn
3246 - Ed
0310 - Gene
2220 - Grinch
6765 - Guido
6660 - Japple
3141 - Jason
3333 - Jenifr
5651 - Jimk
5158 - John
4288 - Josh
1234 - Julia
7777 - Lt
3333 - Luis
1112 - Marka
3333 - Mike
4393 - Mitch
1836 - Monty
4440 - Nico
0425 - Paula
0517 - Paulo
3691 - Raiden
8148 - Rog
6000 - Root
1029 - Ryan
1122 - Todd
0322 - Turmell
0201 - Sal
8337 - Shinok
0530 - Shun
1234 - Van
1221 - Zz

Bonus Players

To play with bonus players, enter one or more of the following codes at the Enter Initials screen.

Name Code
Beth 7761
Billz 0526
Brian 0818
Daniel 0604
Dbn 6969
Ed 3246
Gene 0310
Grinch 2220
Guido 6765
Japple 6660
Jason 3141
Jenifr 3333
Jimk 5651
John 5158
Josh 4288
Julia 1234
Lt 7777
Luis 3333
Marka 1112
Mike 3333
Mitch 4393
Monty 1836
Nico 4440
Paula 0425
Paulo 0517
Raiden 3691
Rog 8148
Root 6000
Ryan 1029
Todd 1122
Turmell 0322
Sal 0201
Shinok 8337
Shun 0530
Van 1234
Zz 1221
Skull 1111
Brain 1111
Kevin 1234
Dino 1111

Cheat Codes

Enter these codes on the versus screen. The numbers tell how many times press the TURBO, JUMP and PASS buttons. For example, 5-2-5 means:

Press TURBO 5 times. Press JUMP 2 times. Press PASS 5 times

Result Code
Infinite turbo 5-1-4 Up
Big head 2-0-0 Right
Huge head 0-4-0 Up
No head 3-2-1 Left
Headless team 1-2-3 Right
Night stadium 5-0-2 Down
Future stadium 5-0-2 Left
Super field goals 1-2-3 Left
No interceptions 3-4-4 Up
No random fumbles 4-2-3 Down
No first downs 2-1-0 Up
No punting 1-5-1 Up
Roman stadium 5-0-3 Left
Grass field 3-0-0 Up
Asphalt field 3-0-1 Up
Dirt field 3-0-2 Up
Astroturf field 3-0-3 Up
Fast turbo running 0-3-2 Left
Snow stadium 5-0-3 Down
Team tiny players 3-1-0 Right
Team big players 1-4-1 Right
Team big heads 2-0-3 Right
Old day stadium 5-0-1 Up
Day stadium 5-0-1 Down
City stadium 5-0-1 Left
Old night stadium 5-0-2 Up
Power-up teammates 2-3-3 Up
Power-up blockers 3-1-2 Left
Super blitzing 0-4-5 Up
Invisible 4-3-3 Up
Big football 0-5-0 Right
Snow field 3-0-4 Up
Fog on 0-3-0 Down
Thick fog on 0-4-1 Down
Weather: clear 2-1-1 Left
Power-up offense 3-1-2 Up
Power-up defense 4-2-1 Up
Green Bay Packers playbook 1-2-2 Left
Allow stepping out of bounds 2-1-1 Left
Fast passes 2-5-0 Left
Turn off stadium 5-0-0 Left
Late hits 0-1-0 Up
Show field goal % 0-0-1 Down
Show punt hang meter 0-0-1 Right
Use team plays 1-0-0 Up
Hide receiver name 1-0-2 Right
Invisible receiver highlight 3-3-3 Left
Old snow stadium 5-0-3 Up
Weather: snow 5-2-5 Down
Weather: rain 5-5-5 Right
Night game 0-2-2 Right

Requires 2 player agreement:
No play selectiont 1-1-5 Left
Show more field 0-2-1 Right
No CPU assistance 0-1-2 Down
Power-up speed 4-0-4 Left
Hyper blitz 5-5-5 Up

Only in one-player game:
Smart CPU opponent 3-1-4 Down

Only in two-player game:
Tournament mode 1-1-1 Down

Requires 2 human teammates:
Always quarterback 2-2-2 Left
Always receiver 2-2-2 Right

Cheat Codes

To activate a cheat, enter its corresponding code on the VS screen. Numbers indicate how many times Turbo, Jump and Pass buttons should be pressed.

Always quarterback
2-2-2 -- LEFT
Always receiver
2-2-2 -- RIGHT
Big football
0-5-0 -- RIGHT
Big head mode
2-0-0 -- RIGHT
Display field goal %
0-0-1 -- DOWN
Display punt hang-time meter
0-0-1 -- RIGHT
Fast turbo
0-3-2 -- LEFT
Field (asphalt)
3-0-1 -- UP
Field (astroturf)
3-0-3 -- UP
Field (grass)
3-0-0 -- UP
Field (snow)
3-0-4 -- UP
Hide receiver name
1-0-2 -- RIGHT
Hyper blitzing
5-5-5 -- UP
Infinite turbo
5-1-4 -- UP
Invisible receiver highlight
3-3-3 -- LEFT
Late hits
0-1-0 -- UP
No first downs
2-1-0 -- UP
No fumbles
4-3-2 -- DOWN
No interceptions
3-4-4 -- UP
No out-of-bounds
2-1-1 -- LEFT
No punting
1-5-1 -- UP
Play book (current team)
1-0-0 -- UP
Player (big head)
2-0-0 -- RIGHT
Player (headless)
3-2-1 -- LEFT
Player (huge head)
0-4-0 -- UP
Player (invisible)
4-3-3 -- UP
Power-up Blockers
3-1-2 -- LEFT
Power-up Defense
4-2-1 -- UP
Power-up Offense
3-2-1 -- UP
Power-up Teammates
2-3-3 -- UP
Smarter CPU opponent
3-1-4 -- DOWN
Stadium (City)
5-0-1 -- LEFT
Stadium (Day)
5-0-1 -- DOWN
Stadium (Dirt)
3-0-2 -- UP
Stadium (Future)
3-0-2 -- LEFT
Stadium (Night)
5-0-2 -- DOWN
Stadium (OFF)
5-0-0 -- LEFT
Stadium (Old Day)
5-0-1 -- UP
Stadium (Old Night)
5-0-2 -- UP
Stadium (Old Snow)
5-0-3 -- UP
Stadium (Roman)
5-0-3 -- LEFT
Stadium (Snow)
5-0-3 -- DOWN
Super blitzing
0-4-5 -- UP
Super field goals
1-2-3 -- LEFT
Super passes
2-5-0 -- LEFT
Team (big heads)
2-0-3 -- RIGHT
Team (big players)
1-4-1 -- RIGHT
Team (tiny players)
3-1-0 -- RIGHT
Time (night game)
0-2-2 -- RIGHT
Tournament mode
1-1-1 -- DOWN
Turbo (fast)
0-3-2 -- LEFT
Weather (clear)
2-1-1 -- LEFT
Weather (fog)
0-3-0 -- DOWN
Weather (rain)
5-5-5 -- RIGHT
Weather (snow)
5-2-5 -- DOWN
Weather (thick fog)
0-4-1 -- DOWN

Coach of the Year

When you choose a team leave your finger on C up

Infinite Turbo

After you have set the game up and picked your teams.When the screen comes up to the two football helments.Press z 5 times,b 1 time,a 4 times,and push up on the analog controller.

Invisible play selection

With the control stick (not D-Pad)on the first play in the top row in first play on the left corner hit up two times and the red marker or blue marker should not be seen. This works on offense or defense.

Off-screen plays

Move to the top left corner of the screen when selecting a play and press Up(2) on the Analog-stick. The red or blue marker will disappear.


Enter the following codes at the Tonight's Matchup screen...

Arizona Cardinals Playbook
1-0-1 Left
Atlanta Falcons Playbook
1-0-2 Left
Baltimore Ravens Playbook
1-0-3 Left
Buffalo Bills Playbook
1-0-4 Left
Carolina Panthers Playbook
1-0-5 Left
Chicago Bears Playbook
1-1-0 Left
Cincinatti Bengals Playbook
1-1-2 Left
Cleveland Browns Playbook
1-1-3 Left
Dallas Cowboys Playbook
1-1-4 Left
Denver Broncos Playbook
1-1-5 Right
Detroit Lions Playbook
1-2-1 Left
Green Bay Packers Playbook
1-2-2 Left
Indianapolis Colts Playbook
1-2-3 Up
Jacksonville Jaguars Playbook
1-2-4 Left
Kansas City Chiefs Playbook
1-2-5 Left
Miami Dolphins Playbook
1-3-1 Left
Minnesota Vikings Playbook
1-3-2 Left
New England Patriots Playbook
1-3-3 Left
New Orleans Saints Playbook
1-3-4 Left
New York Giants Playbook
1-3-5 Left
New York Jets Playbook
1-4-1 Left
Oakland Raiders Playbook
1-4-2 Left
Philadelphia Eagles Playbook
1-4-3 Left
Pittsburg Steelers Playbook
1-4-4 Left
San Diego Chargers Playbook
1-4-5 Left
San Fransisco 49ers Playbook
1-5-1 Left
Seattle Seahawks Playbook
1-5-2 Left
St. Louis Rams Playbook
1-5-3 Left
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Playbook
1-5-4 Left
Tennessee Titans Playbook
1-5-5 Left
Washington Redskins Playbook
2-0-1 Left



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