Nightmare Creatures

Nightmare Creatures

Nightmare Creatures

In 1834 on London's blackest eve, a secret cult known as The Brotherhood of Hecate rediscovered the key to man's unholiest fears. It was through this arcane act of terror that the evil leader of the Brotherhood, Adam Crowley, swore to take over the world... Ever since this fateful night, not a London street, alley or town square has escaped the screams of "Nightmare Creatures!"


Nightmare Creatures

In 1834 on London's blackest eve, a secret cult known as The Brotherhood of Hecate rediscovered the key to man's unholiest fears. It was through this arcane act of terror that the evil leader of the Brotherhood, Adam Crowley, swore to take over the world... Ever since this fateful night, not a London street, alley or town square has escaped the screams of "Nightmare Creatures!"

Kalisto, Activision
Action Adventure > Survival
1 Player
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Funny walks

Begin a new game as Ignatius or Nadia. Stand still during game play, then jump. Hold B while in the air, then walk forward just when his or her feet touch the ground. If done correctly, he or she will walk in a funny manner.

Misc Unlockables

How to Unlock
Infinite Items and Lives
Beat the game once with either character.
Play as a monster
Beat the game once with either character.
Stage Select
Beat the game once with either character.

Nadia's acrobatics

Begin a new game as Nadia and immediately hold: Up + B + A + C-Left + C-Down. If done correctly, Nadia will jump forward and land in an awkward position and remain that way while moving.


Key Code:
1 Up
2 Down
3 Right
]4 Left
5 C-Up
6 C-Down
7 C-Right
8 C-Left
12565247 Level 2
14565457 Level 4
16545864 Level 5
13565577 Level 9
24525781 Level 11
28361621 Level 13
26785545 Level 14
48585278 Level 16

To access the cheat menu, go to the password screen and press Left,
Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, Down.


Left, Up, Down C, Left C, Right C, Up C, Left C, Down
Cheat Pass
bottom c, up, left, down, down, left c, left c, and right c
gives inf. lives, items...
Down, Left, C-Up, Down, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left, Up
Level 11
Down, C-Left, Right, C-Down, Up, C-Down, Down, Up
Level 13
Down, C-Down, C-Right, C-Left, C-Up, C-Up, Left, C-Up
Level 14
Left, C-Left, C-Up, C-Left, C-Up, Down, C-Right, C-Left
Level 16
Up, Down, C-Up, C-Down, C-Up, Down, Left, C-Right
Level 2
Up, Left, C-Up, C-Down, C-Up, Left, C-Up, C-Right
Level 4
Up, C-Down, C-Up, Left, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down, Left
Level 5
Up, Right, C-Up, C-Down, C-Up, C-Up, C-Right, C-Right
Level 9

Start each level as Ignatius with 9 lives

Each number corresponds to a level of the game, and the code following it is the password. After you enter each code, you will start in that level playing as the character Ignatius with 9 lives.

02. C.Up, C.Right, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Down
03. C.Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Left, C.Left, C.Down
04. C.Up, C.Left, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Up, Up, C.Down
05. C.Up, Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Down, Down, C.Down
06. C.Up, Down, C.Down, C.Down, C.Right, Left, C.Up, C.Left
07. C.Up, Left, C.Down, C.Down, C.Right, C.Up, C.Right, C.Left
08. C.Up, Right, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Right, C.Right, C.Down
09. C.Right, C.Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Down
10. C.Right, C.Right, C.Down, C.Left, C.Up, C.Left, Down, Up
11. C.Right, C.Down, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Up, Up, C.Down
12. C.Right, C.Left, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Down, Down, C.Down
13. C.Right, Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Left, Left, C.Down
14. C.Right, Down, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Up, C.Up, C.Down
15. C.Right, Left, C.Down, C.Left, C.Up, C.Right, C.Left, Up
16. C.Right, Right, C.Down, C.Left, C.Right, C.Down, Down, Down
17. C.Down, C.Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Left, C.Left, C.Down
18. C.Down, C.Right, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Up, Up, C.Down
19. C.Down, C.Down, C.Down, C.Left, C.Right, Down, C.Right, Down
20. C.Down, C.Left, C.Down, C.Left, C.Right, Left, C.Down, Down



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