Each number corresponds to a level of the game, and the code following it is the password. After you enter each code, you will start in that level playing as the character Ignatius with 9 lives.
02. C.Up, C.Right, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Down
03. C.Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Left, C.Left, C.Down
04. C.Up, C.Left, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Up, Up, C.Down
05. C.Up, Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Down, Down, C.Down
06. C.Up, Down, C.Down, C.Down, C.Right, Left, C.Up, C.Left
07. C.Up, Left, C.Down, C.Down, C.Right, C.Up, C.Right, C.Left
08. C.Up, Right, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Right, C.Right, C.Down
09. C.Right, C.Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Down
10. C.Right, C.Right, C.Down, C.Left, C.Up, C.Left, Down, Up
11. C.Right, C.Down, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Up, Up, C.Down
12. C.Right, C.Left, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Down, Down, C.Down
13. C.Right, Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Left, Left, C.Down
14. C.Right, Down, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Up, C.Up, C.Down
15. C.Right, Left, C.Down, C.Left, C.Up, C.Right, C.Left, Up
16. C.Right, Right, C.Down, C.Left, C.Right, C.Down, Down, Down
17. C.Down, C.Up, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, C.Left, C.Left, C.Down
18. C.Down, C.Right, C.Down, C.Down, C.Up, Up, Up, C.Down
19. C.Down, C.Down, C.Down, C.Left, C.Right, Down, C.Right, Down
20. C.Down, C.Left, C.Down, C.Left, C.Right, Left, C.Down, Down