When on defense, look at where the tight end lines up. Take control of the defensive end that is above the tight end and move him to the other side of the defensive line. When the ball is snapped, you'll have a clear path to the quarterback as one offensive tackle cannot block two defensive ends, while the guard on that side won't usually be fast enough to assist. One could easily accumulate well over 100 sacks or more through an entire season via this cheap AI exploit.
If there are no tight ends on offense, simply do this trick with whichever defensive end is faster. The only exception to this trick is when the offense lines up with two tight ends, though the sacks you'll accumulate will easily cancel out the rare times that the offense decides to use a formation able to stop the glitch.
Enter the following codes at the ''Secret Codes'' screen...
After scoring a touchdown, QUICKLY press L+B. You have to
do it after you cross the goal line, but before it zooms in
on the player. The player will do a slam dunk, using the
goalpost as the hoop.