Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey, Jr.

Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey, Jr.

Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey, Jr.

Make your dreams of becoming a Major Leaguer a reality! Hit a grand slam, pitch a no-hitter, go for the cycle and steal home - all in the same game! If that's not enough, check out the real-time stat tracking in over 30 major categories. Improve your team by making the right trades and picking up the best free agents. Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. is so real, every pitch counts!


Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey, Jr.

Make your dreams of becoming a Major Leaguer a reality! Hit a grand slam, pitch a no-hitter, go for the cycle and steal home - all in the same game! If that's not enough, check out the real-time stat tracking in over 30 major categories. Improve your team by making the right trades and picking up the best free agents. Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. is so real, every pitch counts!

Angel Studios, Nintendo
Angel Studios
Sports > Team > Baseball > Sim
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Alternate Uniform Color

Select exhibition mode, then at the team selection screen, repeatedly tap C-Left + C-Right + C-Up + C-Down

Angels in the outfield

Wait for your opponent to hit a pop-fly to the outfield but dont catch it. Instead, pick it up, hold Z, and press C-up to run it in. Then press the following C buttons to throw to bases: RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN. You should hear the crowd boo. On the next hit, don't get the ball. Instead, repeatedly hit A or B and your player will fly.

Blow up the batter

While you're at bat, quickly hit the following buttons: Right, left, down, right, left, up, right, left, down. If done correctly, the batter will explode.

Bonus Teams

Highlight Exhibition from the main screen, and press all four C buttons together until you hear a bell. You should find two new teams at the Team Select Menu.

Called Homeruns

When Ken Griffey Jr. is up at bat, pause the game and press Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left on the d-pad. Unpause the game and Griffey will point his bat towards the outfield. If you hit the very next pitch it will be a home run.


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