Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside

Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside

Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside

Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside (Nintendo 64). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Alien Invasion

At the start up screen push these buttons to make the players head look like they are aliens:up-c,down-c,left-c,right-c,start,start,A,B,A,R,and Z! NOTE:THIS ONLY WORKS FOR THE LEFT FIELD TEAM!


To hang on the rim hold the B button
To change players in the replay do anything you want with who you want, go to substitutions and change the player you were replaying to somebody else. Go back to the replay and it will be a wrong player. To get three secret teams hold the L button and go into pre-season by pushing the A button, go left and there will be three new teams. What they are you will have to find out.

Disco Floor

When playing pre-season press start and press A
C-up,down on d-pad,up on d-pad,C-down,R,R,B,

Hang on Rim

Whenever you do a two hand dunk just hold the B button and you'll hang on the rim. But don't hang for a long time or you'll get a technical foul.

Play Hidden Teams

While holding L button, select Pre-Season game with A button. Now, scroll all the way to the right. Three new teams will be playable: Nintendo, N64 and Left Field.


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