Duck Dodgers

Duck Dodgers

Duck Dodgers

Duck Dodgers


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Duck Dodgers (Nintendo 64). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

9 Tries

This cheat takes a little while but it's worth it! When you're low on tries, go to the arcade in the city level. get the quarks. then play the tennis game. Whether you win or lose, the quarks will always be restored. do this until you have 9 tries.

Animal Sounds

Press B on Planet X, Transformation Zap to hear an animal sound. For example, when you are a chicken, press B to hear a crowing noise.

Easy Way To Beat Strongfeet Contest

In order to beat this contest, you must first get atop the closest place to the meteor, then double jump, and then smash. Repeat for a quick win!

Extra Lives

After you beat the bonus basketball games, don't just leave right away. Instead, Jump on the button again, to start the timer and only two balls will be there for you to use, beat it again and you will get an extra life. Do the same thing over and over again, but there will be only one ball. Beat it again with one ball this time and also get another extra life.


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