Once you've learned the Split Up, Bill Drill and Hatch abilities, make your way to the Wooded Hollow. Enter Heggy's Egg and bill drill the boulder to reveal split up pads. Split up and control Kazooie up the ramp to the top of Heggy's Egg. You'll find a secret yellow egg here, so use your hatch ability on it and you will be able to play as Jinjos when in multi-player mode.
Once you've found the mega glowbo from the ice chest, go (or warp) to Pine Grove and enter Humba Wumba's wigwam just outside of witchyworld. Give her the mega glowbo and Kazooie will be transformed into a dragon, which is much more powerful than normal Kazooie. Jump in the pool again to return Kazooie to her normal state.
When Banjo is by himself and has the Pack Whack, jump in the air and press B to use the move. Quickly after pressing B, jump again, and Banjo will perform a double jump. This is useful for reaching Taxi Pack easily and also for navigating the boxes in Grunty Idustries. It won't save you from high falls though, even if you use it before hitting the ground--but it is fun to watch Banjo get hurt from a seemingly short hop.
Beat the game 100% to unlock the Character Parade movie in Replay Mode.
If you want to play as other characters such as Grunty, simply select single game then a shootout. Select pick characters and press <- or -> to see various characters. There are also other options in single game.
You must type in the word ''CHEATO'' before all of these codes. To get them without collecting the pages first, type in ''CHEATO'' followed by spelling the code backwards
* You can get this from Madame Grunty's fortune telling tent in Witchyworld, but the probabilities of it coming up are very low. Just enter the code to get it if you grow impatient with entering the tent over and over again. You must, however, spell it backwards. (CHEATOYGGIJTEG)
** Look behind Master Jiggywiggy in his temple and answer the riddle to access this cheat, or just type in the code backwards to get it. (CHEATOGNIKTSEN)
*** After finding the two secret eggs (Blue, Pink) and returning them to Heggy, you'll gain this code. If you don't want to find the eggs first, just type the code in backwards. (CHEATOGNIMOH)
From where you got the Pink Egg, use the flight pad and fly over to where the waterfalls are (to the west of Grunty's old lair) and go through the opening on top of the waterfall, then swim/jump upstream until you're in the next room. You'll find another waterfall here with a ledge on top of it. Grip Grab along the ledge and climb up directly behind the waterfall to find a hidden tunnel. Go through it to find another Banjo-Kazooie game pak inside the cave. Break it open to get the Blue Egg.
Make your way to Spiral Mountain and scale the mountain which leads up to Grunty's old lair. On top of the mountain you'll find a flight pad. Use it to fly over to the cave across from the mountain and inside you'll find a Banjo-Kazooie game pak with eyeballs. Break it open to find the pink egg.
To get Jolly Roger's room for free in Jolly Roger's Lagoon, just shoot the door with a grenade egg instead of paying. He'll yell at you, but nothing else.
First off, you must know the Grip Grab ability. If you don't, play through the game until you do, then return to Jinjo Village. From where you enter Jinjo Village (coming from Spiral Mountain/Inside the Digger Tunnel) turn right to find a desert-like area. Go against the wall and you'll find a ledge which you can grip grab along. Edge your way across the ledge, killing the enemies which pop out at you as you go until you reach the end. Climb up using the A button, and go through the tunnel opening. Inside is a walking B-K game pak with eyeballs. Roll into it and the Ice Key will pop out! Collect it to open the Ice Chest later in the game.